What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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Sunnyside's Escape to Paris 'educates, motivates and encourages' residents to participate in wellness-1214

Sunnyside's Escape to Paris 'educates, motivates and encourages' residents to participate in wellness

Each January the Wellness Center holds a weeklong themed open house and accompanying motivational challenge. In 2009, Sunnyside residents were invited to Escape to Paris on a “virtual vacation” of activities and challenge themselves to “climb” the Eiffel Tower. To learn more about Sunnyside’s efforts, the Journal on Active Aging® recently asked Schaffer about this French-themed program.


Innovator awards

Defining your wellness center concept by Gary Henkin, BS-1213

Defining your wellness center concept by Gary Henkin, BS

The conceptual planning of your clubhouse, spa, wellness center or community amenities is among the most critical phases of the project development process. Many decisions made in this stage ultimately influence the project’s success as a whole, yet conceptual planning is commonly underemphasized and misunderstood.

In designing a fitness center or recreation complex for a setting such as a retirement community, many developers simply allocate a designated amount of space to the master plan; however, they often fail to tie the intended scope and function of this facility to the community’s overall concept. This is a significant missed opportunity. A well-planned wellness center or leisure complex can entice the consumer, while producing lasting memories that deliver a community’s lifestyle promise.



Active Aging Week 2010-1210

Active Aging Week 2010

It all began in 2003 with an idea: If people had a chance to try out or learn about wellness activities, maybe they would discover an approach that suited their lifestyles and interests. Active Aging Week was launched.

Today, in 2010, Active Aging Week is a special occasion that many hosts and older adults look forward to. Hosts say they gain new participants and reinspire their regulars. Participants discover that many activities contribute to their enjoyment and participation in life. And, since they often help plan and run the week’s events, they become ambassadors to their friends and neighbors.


ICAA initiatives

Hiring a marketing agency: seven critical considerations by Kathy Osen East, MPA, MIRM-1208

Hiring a marketing agency: seven critical considerations by Kathy Osen East, MPA, MIRM

If you want to hire a new marketing, public relations or advertising agency, or wonder if the firm you currently use is the best possible marketing partner, you could benefit from asking yourself a few key questions. The knowledge you will gain by contemplating these questions will clarify your expectations.



RE-AIM: a comprehensive framework for program planning and evaluation-1207

RE-AIM: a comprehensive framework for program planning and evaluation

Effective, practical, evidence-based interventions for health promotion and self-management of chronic disease offer advantages for both older adults and program planners. As program participants, older adults can look forward to improvements in their health. Program planners can proceed confidently with the knowledge that these programs will yield demonstrable, measurable outcomes that both healthcare partners and funders seek and increasingly support.


Program design

Lessons learned: ensuring your wellness center concept endures the test of time by Marilynn Larkin, MA-1206

Lessons learned: ensuring your wellness center concept endures the test of time by Marilynn Larkin, MA

You’ve invested time and energy, you’ve done your planning, and you’ve succeeded in creating a compelling concept for your wellness center. That’s terrific! However, you might want to revisit the concept a few more times before forging ahead, advises Dottie Drake, founder of the Miracles Fitness health clubs. “If you think you have it all or know it all, you better revisit, or somebody else will come out and offer something better,” she cautions.

Whether you are contemplating building your first age-friendly fitness/wellness center, expanding to a new location, or tweaking an existing facility, you are likely to profit in every sense of the word from the lessons learned by Drake and other developers who have been there. Here are some examples.



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