What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Thistledown: More than a place to live by Beth Witrogen, MJ

More Boomers are living alone today while also trying to maintain affordable housing in a sprawling nation built for younger, working families. Alarmingly, the risk for becoming unhoused is rising among older adults, especially those living alone. A pioneering cooperative model for senior living is successfully balancing autonomy and interdependence for low-income solo agers, building community on purpose to foster wellness.


Physical literacy and active aging: A holistic approach to physical activity promotion by Rebecca Lloyd, PhD, and Stephen Smith, PhD

The benefits of being physically active throughout the life course are tremendous, not only from a disease-prevention perspective, but also in terms of the positive feelings of moving with and alongside others. However, simply advising others to become more active is ineffective without considering how they feel when moving and the extent of social, emotional, and community support available to maintain active motivation.


The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Midcourse Report: How active-aging professionals can help older adults move more by Malorie Polster, MPH, CHES; Bianca Macias, MPH, CPH; Alison Vaux-Bjer

The United States government has followed the latest edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans with a midcourse report all about older adults. The report emphasizes that it is never too late to start or restart physical activity. Health and wellness professionals are uniquely positioned to help older adults incorporate more physical activity into their lives.


Unveiling nutritional requirements of older adults, part two by Sandy Todd Webster

In the pursuit of active aging, our journey unfolds through the choices we make--a narrative shaped by multiple determinants of health such as natural movement, stress reduction, a sense of belonging--and the foods we consume. This is the second half of a feature offering a primer on nine essential nutrients in which adults 55+ are often deficient. Review the remaining five nutrients and how to put them in an eating plan.


Virtual reality: A fun way to motivate older adults to move by Marilynn Larkin, MA

Can virtual reality (VR) technology be used to motivate older adults to move? The answer seems to be a clear yes. Participants in a randomized, controlled pilot study in an independent living community were overwhelmingly enthusiastic about a VR intervention. Preliminary findings suggest an increase in time spent in physical activity.


Embracing the opportunities and realities of an aging global population by Colin Milner

Global populations will continue to age rapidly, transforming societies and economies in coming decades. While this shift brings complex challenges, demographic futurist Bradley Schurman, author of The Super Age: Decoding Our Demographic Destiny, argues it presents vast opportunities if the proper strategies are implemented.


Lifestyle medicine: Adding 'years to lives and life to years' by Marilynn Larkin, MA

Lifestyle medicine is a medical specialty that closely aligns with the International Council on Active Aging-endorsed seven dimensions of wellness. Many practitioners certified in this area work with organizations that serve older adults, where small, low-cost interventions often make a big difference.


Active Aging Week: Plan early to maximize your impact

This yearly campaign highlights the potential for people to live better longer with wellness as their foundation. It's also a perfect platform to showcase your organization. Now's a good time to start planning your participation.


Autonomy and connection: Empowering the best life possible in aged care services by Beth Witrogen, MJ

Most disruptions in senior living today are generated by new entrants to the industry. However, Enabling Care at Home (ECH) is an example of how one established aged care operator in Australia foresaw the changing landscape and pioneered a visionary model integrating community and autonomy.


Unveiling nutritional requirements of older adults, part one by Sandy Todd Webster

Our eating choices have a significant impact on our quality of life as we age, affecting everything from our physical well-being to our cognitive and mental health. Read on to explore the key nutrients that elude us as we age--and how to reclaim them.

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