What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Industry News

[DON'T GO IT ALONE] Alzheimer's shared decision-making tool launched

As part of a national initiative funded by The John A. Hartford Foundation (JAHF), the national, independent nonprofit FAIR Health has launched a new shared decision-making tool for Alzheimer’s disease. Provided at no cost to users, the tool is accompanied by an educational healthcare cost tool and resources such as printable checklists and links to websites and organizations that offer additional information and resources.

The growing financial burden of Alzheimer’s disease care on older patients and their families has made it increasingly important for them to access objective information to help guide their care planning, according to JAHF. Tools that facilitate shared decision making—the discussion between patients, caregivers and providers to decide on care that balances clinical evidence with patients’ preferences and values—show promise for improving patient and caregiver engagement in healthcare decision making and lowering healthcare costs.

The new tool offers an overview of self-care and drug therapy options and related costs. Some self-care options include maintaining a healthy diet, physical exercise, brain exercises, reviewing medications with healthcare providers, and treating other conditions that affect memory and thinking. The tool also offers information about three types of drug therapies: cholinesterase inhibitors, memantine and monoclonal antibodies.

Using the new tools and resources, families can learn more about various care options and related costs, enabling them to plan and, if needed, explore financial resources and assistance.

To access the shared decision-making tool and related resources, click here

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