[UNREAL!] Movies, TV show stereotypes of aging, not reality
Adults ages 50 and over have significant buying power, so the entertainment industry should listen up when the older population is unhappy with how they’re being represented in movies and TV. That’s the message of a recent AARP survey, “Breaking Stereotypes: The Push for Real Representation of older adults in Movies and Television.”
Among the findings:
- 79% of respondents said they would prefer more stories and characters that reflect the real-life experiences of older adults.
- One third (33%) said portrayals of older adults are rarely or never accurate.
- Over half of respondents (52%) feel that the portrayal of older adults has remained unchanged over the past five years.
- Only 17% often see older adults being physically active or learning something new (11%).
- Three in four (73%) say they are more likely to support movies or TV that include characters who are similar to them in age and life experiences
“By breaking stereotypes and embracing the diverse experiences of older adults, the movie and TV industry can create richer, more authentic stories that resonate with audiences of all ages,” the report concludes.
To download the report and read a related blog post, click here
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