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ICAA Wellness Programs and Places Report 2024
The ICAA Wellness Programs and Places Report 2024 serves as a comprehensive assessment of the current state of buildings, facilities, and programs, aiming to highlight areas of growth and development. With respondents representing various sectors including senior living communities, community centers, public agencies, fitness clubs, and healthcare facilities, the report provides insights into the diverse range of services available for older adults.
moreMember $99 Nonmember $149

ICAA Wellness Industry Update 2023
Discover why wellness is the leading platform for senior living and aging services by exploring connections between neighborhoods and senior living communities. Learn how technology is used for energy-saving in healthy buildings, then overlay increasing trends in social experiences and physical activity based on function, not age. This ICAA survey includes 445 organizations spanning senior living, aging services, active-adult community centers and other neighborhood centers. Published August 2023.
moreMember $49 Nonmember $99

ICAA State of the Wellness Industry 2022
In this wide-ranging review of the industry, discover how wellness has infused the culture of senior living, active-adult "seniors" centers and other places with a large population of older adults. Learn about plans for wellness programs, budgets, technology and remodels, plus staffing and facility access from 459 survey respondents. See how a culture of wellness helps organizations position to thrive. Published June 2022
moreMember $99 Nonmember $149

ICAA Lifestyle Survey of Older Adults
How did midlife and older adults navigate their daily lives during the abrupt changes to lifestyles due to the COVID-19 pandemic? The 1,191 people who answered this survey are lifelong learners who fared well and share their opinions about their priorities, use of technology, choice of homes and sense of well-being. Published October 2021.
moreMember $99 Nonmember $149

ICAA Environments for Wellness
Trace the growth of multipurpose wellness centers (featuring meeting rooms, arts studios, therapy and fitness) and see how technologies and people are providing comprehensive wellness programs at organizations that encourage health and well-being among older adults. Future plans for expansions and renovations, program and staff development, program revenue opportunities and purchasing plans are reported by 520 survey respondents. A companion to "ICAA State of Wellness" and "Visions of the Future" Trends Survey. Published February 2020
moreMember $99 Nonmember $149

ICAA State of Wellness: Priorities and progress
Define the important elements needed to develop a culture of wellness, then discover how effectively active-aging organizations are in implementing them. The priority actions needed to benefit from wellness outcomes are detailed, and a special section on senior living highlights the progress of these organizations in transitioning to the wellness culture. Based on input from 532 survey respondents, this report is a must-read for strategic planning and valuable adjunct to ICAA's "Visions of the Future" Trends Survey. Published September 2019