What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Image guidelines and technical specifications


ICAA Product and Services Guide

Format: high-resolution PDF or 300 dpi .jpg, .tif or .eps
Size: at least 1000 pixels or 3 inches wide recommended

Think high-quality, informative content. No embedded words or logos, please.

  • Format: high-resolution PDF or 300 dpi .jpg, .tif or .eps
  • Orientation: full-page vertical image (or able to work as vertical image)
  • An optional caption of up to 20 words may be suggested. Copy may be edited.

Full-page image surrounded by white margins: 7.125” x 9.65” or full-page image that bleeds off the page

  • Trim size: 8.125” x 10.75”
  • Submitted size (includes 0.125” bleeds indicated on all 4 sides): 8.375” x 11”
  • Live area: 7.125” x 9.86” (all live elements at least 0.5” from trim)

Journal on Active Aging

Where models appear, older models are strongly recommended. For in-house images, signed releases must be on file for models. Stock images must be licensed for third-party publication.

ICAA will request changes to images that do not meet these specs.


Home page banner ad
Size: 765 x 95 pixels, 72 ppi

Banner specifications for ICAA newsletter
Banner advertisements must be submitted as a low- resolution .jpg file (72 ppi), 600 pixels wide x 300 pixels high

Showroom and Supply Chain e-mails
Logo format: 300 pixels wide (300 ppi) .jpg, .tif or .eps
Image size: 600 pixels wide x 400 pixels high is recommended; (300 ppi) .jpg, .tif or .eps

If you have questions, or to learn more about partnering with ICAA, contact us toll-free 1-866-335-9777 or 604-734-4466 or at advertising@icaa.cc.


icaa 100 members