What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.



ICAA's Leadership in Wellness Management Certificate

Setting a new leadership standard in wellness management

Why is this course needed?

Wellness is a growth strategy for 90% percent of CEO's and upper management (ICAA members) surveyed by ICAA in 2017. Some of these respondents (44%) view wellness/lifestyle as a high priority for their organizations while for others (41%) it is essential. Forty-one percent of these executives also plan to increase their investment in wellness between 2017-2018 while 89% of all survey respondent plan to add new activities, classes, or programs, during this period.1

As the active aging industry continues to grow, and the number of wellness programs continues to expand, organizations that offer wellness programming are searching for leaders who demonstrate competencies in management such as communication, team building, programming, evaluation, outcome reporting, and who possess contemporary knowledge in best practices and evidence-based activities. Finding individuals who have this skill set, and are informed on the most current changes in the field, has proven to be a challenge for many organizations. ICAA created the premier "Leadership in Wellness Management Certificate" to meet this challenge and fulfill this need in the active aging industry.

Who should take the course at your company?

Employees seeking valuable new knowledge, skills and expertise in active aging and wellness management. Employees looking for new ways to demonstrate the effectiveness of their program and its positive impact upon participants. Professionals interested in building a professional network and sharing ideas and resources. Employees seeking a leadership role, methods to improve programming and ways to support the mission of their organization.

Participants include:

  • Wellness staff,
  • Activity and Recreation Directors, Fitness instructors and/or managers,
  • Physical therapists,
  • Human Resources Personnel, Program managers in older adult programming,
  • Upper-Level Administration (management),
  • Students seeking careers in aging and older adult programming, and others interested in wellness management.

What is in the course?

The Leadership in Wellness Management certificate course is led by an international faculty, supported by current research and best practices, and provides the essential knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve success as a leader and manager in active-aging and wellness. Students will learn contemporary business management and leadership content, participate in self-discovery activities, build resources, and leave with a portfolio including a business case and a host of ideas to enhance their job opportunities or existing programs and careers.

The course will help students expand professional networks and build relationships with others in the active-aging field.

Module topics include:

  • Strengthening the wellness culture.
  • Communicating effectively.
  • Leading and managing.
  • Collecting data.
  • Building the business case.
  • Creating and managing high-performing teams.
  • Evaluating performance.
  • Enhancing marketing and advocacy skills.
  • Catalyzing change.
  • Technology overview.

Why should my company support this? Why you should enroll your employees in ICAA's Leadership in Wellness Management Course.

Many organizations thrive by understanding that the investment in talent development is part of their outlay into human capital and the return on investment can be great for all involved. At the 2016 ICAA Forum, delegates from senior living, therapy, consulting, and supplier organizations came together and discussed the return on investment in wellness staff. The consensus was that wellness staff, who are appropriately trained and supported, do impact the mission and business objectives and provide great value to their organization.

ICAA's 2017 wellness benchmarks report reveals that those who participate in well-managed, interesting and well-staffed wellness programs demonstrate increased loyalty, improved program retention, and enhanced overall health. Senior Living Community residents report that their health is superior to others their age, that they receive better value for the money spent at the community, they were attracted to the community because of the wellness program, and their stay is longer in independent living.2 Strong, vibrant wellness programs have been shown to improve residents' engagement in their community, improve mental health as well as reduce the number of falls.

Companies whose employees have earned ICAA's Leadership in Wellness Management certificate will show that they meet the new standards in the active aging industry and lead the competition. The benefits from educated and skilled employees can lead to greater visibility for your organization, growing participant numbers, higher program quality, increased revenue, and overall, a greater return on investment.

How can you support your organizations strategic growth? How can you ensure the priority given to wellness pays off? How can your organization achieve the greatest return on its investments in wellness programming, facilities, and staff? The answer is in your hands. By developing your wellness staff’s knowledge and skills you impact your members/resident's health and well-being, your staff and customer satisfaction, and your organizations bottom line.


ICAA, a professional association that leads, connects and defines the active-aging industry, and supports professionals who aspire to develop wellness cultures for adults over 50. This includes creating wellness environments, programs and services. The association is focused on active aging--an approach to aging that helps older adult's live life as fully as possible within all dimensions of wellness--and provides its members with education, information, resources and tools. As an active-aging educator and advocate, ICAA has advised numerous organizations and governmental bodies, including the US Administration on Aging, the National Institute on Aging (one of the US National Institutes of Health), the US Department of Health and Human Services, Canada's Special Senate Committee on Aging, National Health Services (Scotland) and the British Columbia (Canada) Ministries of Health and Healthy Living and Sport.

This course is for my employees!

The time to support the success of your organization's wellness culture is NOW. The benefits and return on investment for your company are numerous including increased loyalty, increased productivity, enhanced leadership and management knowledge, and greater innovative thinking, among others.

When is the course available?

ICAA will be offering the ICAA Leadership in Wellness Management certificate at several times during the year. Enrollment is open now!

To meet the needs of working professionals, there are 2 enrollment options:

Fast track: 10 weeks
Classic track: 15 weeks
On average, students should plan to devote:

Fast track course: 4-6 hours per week
Classic course: 2-3 hours per week

How much does it cost?

ICAA members: $599.00;
Non-members: $799.00;

The non-refundable CEU fee of $50-$100 depending on the organization. This fee covers costs charged by certifying agencies. To view current CEU’s offered please click here

How do my employees enroll?

Companies should inquire about a special price for multiple staff enrollments.

For more information call ICAA: 1-866-335-9777 or email: info@icaa.cc


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