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Walking center

How to ensure you are walking properly.

by Debra J. Rose, Ph.D.

Here is a quick and easy way to check the quality of your walking pattern. All you need is a full-length mirror.

Walk directly toward the mirror and observe the following:

  • Your knees are pointing forward.
  • Your hips are level.
  • Your arms swing rhythmically as you walk.
  • Both sides of your body are symmetrical (arm swing, step length, etc.).
  • You are walking tall (e.g. your head is erect and your ears are directly above your shoulders).

Walk alongside a wall mirror (a full-length mirror is helpful for this activity) and observe the following:

  • Your heel makes contact with the floor first on each step.
  • You can feel the pressure roll up to the toes as you push off from the floor.
  • Your knee is almost fully extended before your heel contacts the floor.
  • Your steps are of equal length.
  • Your ears are directly above your shoulders and your body is upright.

This checklist is reprinted with permission from a recent book by Debra J. Rose, Ph.D., codirector of the Center for Successful Aging at California State University at Fullerton. Dr. Rose’s book, FallProof! A Comprehensive Balance and Mobility Training Program, is published by Human Kinetics. More information about FallProof! is available by calling Human Kinetics toll-free at 800-747-4457 (U.S.) or 800-465-7301 (Canada), or by going to www.HumanKinetics.com.

Disclaimer: This handout is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from research. The ICAA encourages you to make your own health and business decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified professional qualified professional.

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