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[TYING THE KNOT?] Marriage, age tied to risk for overweight, obesity

Research to be presented at the European Congress on Obesity 2025 in May shows that being married triples the risk of living with obesity for men, but not for women.

The study also found that each year of additional age increased the risk of overweight and obesity in both sexes.

The authors analyzed data from a  survey study in Poland that included 2405 people (1098 men, 1307 women) with a median age of 50: 35.3% with normal weight, 38.3% with overweight and 26.4% with obesity. The Newest Vital Sign Test, the Beck's Depression Inventory and Berkman & Syme Questionnaire were used to estimate functional health literacy, depression and social support, respectively.

Most respondents had at least secondary education (59%), an adequate health literacy (55%), and at least moderate social support (50%), and 15% of them reported depression.

Being married was associated with overweight in both sexes, with a 62% increased risk for married versus unmarried men, and 39% increased risk for married versus unmarried women. A much stronger relationship was found for marriage and obesity in men, with married men 3.2 times more likely to live with obesity than unmarried men.

Age was an independent risk factor of overweight and obesity in both sexes. Each year of increased age increased the risk of overweight by 3% in men and 4% in women, and the risk of obesity by 4% in men and 6% in women.

The authors conclude: “Age and marital status have undeniable impact on living with overweight or obesity in adulthood regardless of sex. In turn, inadequate health literacy and having at least borderline depression were associated with obesity in women. It appears from our results that the dissemination of health knowledge and health promotion across the lifespan could reduce the worrying phenomenon of increasing levels of obesity.”

To read the European Congress on Obesity 2025 meeting abstract, click here

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