What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Topic- Gerontology


Generational AI targets aging populations-10682

Generational AI targets aging populations

Based on discussions with leaders in equity, AI, and aging, and additional research, "Generational AI: Digital inclusion for aging populations," recently published by the Atlantic Council/GeoTech Center, outlines the unique considerations for older adults within the AI lifecycle, barriers to digital inclusion that older adults experience regarding AI and suggested near- and long-term solutions to advance digital inclusion and mitigate biases against older adults, while supporting practical AI innovation, AI policy, and healthy aging. It's a fascinating read for context on why and how older adults need to be involved in AI development.



Healthy aging toolkit facilitates evidence-based research-10210

Healthy aging toolkit facilitates evidence-based research

Australia's ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research and the University of New South Wales have launched the Healthy Ageing Toolkit. The toolkit, a website, is a repository of searchable information about aging cohort studies conducted around the world (current number of studies, 287) designed to support the study of healthy aging and its trajectories, as well as inequities related to healthy aging. Active-aging organizations may want to locate studies in their area of interest and contact the lead researchers about collaborations. This could be particularly relevant to university-based communities.



Canadians continue to support medically assisted dying: Poll-9914

Canadians continue to support medically assisted dying: Poll

A recent national survey conducted by Ipsos Reid on behalf of Dying With Dignity Canada (DWDC), showed that Canadians continue to support access to medical assistance in dying (MAID).



Prevalence of older-adult disabilities declines-9576

Prevalence of older-adult disabilities declines

The prevalence of disabilities among Americans ages 65 and older is much lower than it was for the same age group a decade earlier, according to a recent nationally representative study. The findings have implications for active-aging organizations, who should consider boosting their expectations for their residents and members.



COVID-19 and older adults: What the research shows-7986

COVID-19 and older adults: What the research shows

Researchers from multiple medical centers around the US and in India have taken a deep dive into the pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and treatment of COVID-19 in older adults, as well as the potential causes for the relatively high mortality rates in this population. Readers can access the full article free of charge at the link below, and it's worth downloading and reading so you know what to look for and to provide some possible answers to residents and family members.



AAA/hospital partnerships boost health, curb Medicare costs-7933

AAA/hospital partnerships boost health, curb Medicare costs

Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) - which provide access to transportation, in-home support, and more to help older adults remain independent - are increasingly partnering with healthcare organizations to address the health-related social needs of older adults and contribute to coalitions that promote community health, according to the authors of a study published in Health Affairs.



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