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Topic- Exercise


Exercise slows functional decline from Alzheimer's disease-3660

Exercise slows functional decline from Alzheimer's disease

As cognitive skills decline in people with Alzheimer’s disease, so does the ability to function in everyday activities. To determine how effective physical activity could be on the functional abilities of people with Alzheimer’s disease, the Finnish Alzheimer Disease Exercise Trial, a randomized controlled study, was designed to compare different approaches to providing exercise.



Resistance training improves ADL ability in people with Alzheimer's disease-3657

Resistance training improves ADL ability in people with Alzheimer's disease

Among 34 people with Alzheimer’s disease, half joined a resistance training group that performed five exercises for three sets of 20 repetitions, and the other half participated in a social group that featured group dynamics, reading and writing.



Pedometers best choice for increasing activity during cardiac rehab-3638

Pedometers best choice for increasing activity during cardiac rehab

Physical activity is a major component of a cardiac rehabilitation program, along with diet and stress management. However, few people achieve recommended levels of physical activity during cardiac rehab. A research team decided to test three approaches to increasing activity levels.



Everyday activity improves sleep during menopause-3632

Everyday activity improves sleep during menopause

Symptom of menopause experienced by women in midlife include difficulty sleeping and night sweats (nocturnal hot flashes).



Better sleeping through exercise-3609

Better sleeping through exercise

A poll was conducted among 1,000 people ages 23-60 who reported how much physical activity they had performed for at least 10 minutes in the past 7 days. People who said they exercised and individuals who were classified as non-exercisers reported sleeping for about 6 hours, 51 minutes on average on weeknights.



Step training via video helps lower fall risk-3599

Step training via video helps lower fall risk

Concerned about the risk of falls among older people, a research team wanted to find out if a video game would improve stepping ability and be used by people in their homes. In background information, they noted that falling has been associated with impaired stepping when an external perturbation disturbed balance. Examples of impaired stepping are stepping in the wrong direction or hitting the opposite leg during a crossover movement when trying to prevent falling.



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