What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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Shift the paradigm to an employee-first workplace by Patricia Ryan, MS-9021

Shift the paradigm to an employee-first workplace by Patricia Ryan, MS

The challenge of staffing shortages within organizations focused on older adults did not happen overnight, nor did it emerge because of the COVID pandemic. Especially in senior living--that combination of real estate, services and lifestyle--staffing has been a thorny issue for leadership for many years. Staff members have also felt the pressure of too few hands for the work, or untrained and unmotivated colleagues. What the pandemic has changed dramatically is the workplace environment. Forced closures, mass resignations, illness, closed schools and burnout have changed the way people view their jobs and forced employers to rethink how they attract and retain workers. Motivated by the need to recalibrate the philosophy of employment in senior living and fine tune processes to adopt new approaches, delegates from more than 40 senior living organizations joined together at the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA) Forum 2021 to develop new approaches to the staffing challenge. These recommendations also have the potential to improve hiring and retention while positively impacting the quality of life of residents and clients.


Industry development

Reframing ageist language and attitudes to influence social change by Beth Witrogen, MJ-9016

Reframing ageist language and attitudes to influence social change by Beth Witrogen, MJ

Despite global progress in identifying language that disrespects and marginalizes people by race or gender, communications around aging remain one of the last frontiers of social equality. Research shows that ageist beliefs--stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination based on age--are an insidious presence in global cultures, from greeting cards and jokes to elder abuse and economic inequity. A new study reaffirms the impact of people's beliefs about aging on health and well-being. Lead author Julia Nakamura, BS, a graduate student in health psychology at the University of British Columbia, Canada, believes that "combating ageism and reducing harmful stereotypes about aging are potential paths to improving individual aging satisfaction. In a landmark survey researched by Common Cause Australia and commissioned by the Southern Melbourne Primary Care Partnership (SMPCP) through the Victorian government, the "Framing Age Message Guide" identifies ways of communicating about older adults through a values-based community engagement approach. This guidance can aid organizations in reframing their messages for or about this population.


Culture Change

Active Aging Week 2021: Celebrating active, engaged living-8977

Active Aging Week 2021: Celebrating active, engaged living

Individuals engaging fully in life as they age--that's the long-term outcome that active-aging professionals often hope for when they host Active Aging Week. Since the annual observance launched in 2003, the wellness initiative has showcased the potential of older adults and their ability to participate fully in life's different dimensions. And every year, host organizations create low-to-no-cost activities to encourage adults 50+ to try new experiences and savor the fun, friendship and joy of participation in physical, spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual, vocational and environmental wellness offerings. Through a mix of in-person and virtual programming, these organizations again enlivened their neighborhoods and communities in 2021 with opportunities to join in the week's celebrations. Active Aging Week 2021, presented by Humana, was organized and led nationally by the International Council on Active Aging. National sponsors Abbott Nutrition and Aegis Therapies/EnerG by Aegis supported the campaign, along with content providers Spiro100 and One Day University. From local hosts and sponsors to organizers and volunteers, a multitude of grassroots contributors made the initiative a highlight of early fall for older adults across North America and beyond. To give a flavor of the week, held October 4-10, the following pages share some of the activities offered.


Health promotion

SOLE-ful awareness: Incorporating barefoot training into active-aging protocols by Lawrence Biscontini, MA-8973

SOLE-ful awareness: Incorporating barefoot training into active-aging protocols by Lawrence Biscontini, MA

Lifestyles today include more time spent sitting, and people often ignore the very muscles intended to carry them through their lives--their foot muscles. The feet are the body's foundation. Healthy feet are important to proper gait and mobility, while foot problems have been linked to falls. In fact, fear of falling is consistently reported by older adults. This fear results in many individuals limiting their activities. Active-aging fitness professionals combine current research with popular activities to provide participants with the most functional approaches. Barefoot training is one such approach. Classes that regularly encourage barefoot training are offered for active older adults with the goal of improving foot stability and mobility. Some simple skills and drills that incorporate these training activities might be the right step for those who are ready to challenge themselves. By teaching and guiding participants on how to exercise their feet, professionals can help individuals take care of their feet--preserving "foot fitness" and function--so their feet can take care of them as they age.



Death by design by Colin Milner-8965

Death by design by Colin Milner

Life is finite. For many of us, this fact goes unrecognized until later in life. But, for Dr. Stephanie Ludwig, PhD, MA, MDiv, this was not so. At a young age Ludwig experienced the death of a sibling. This catastrophic event caused her to ask questions that many people wait until later life to explore--questions such as: Why do these things happen? Why do we live? And why do we die? In search of answers to these and other questions, Ludwig found herself on a journey of self-reflection. At 19 she declared a theology major in college, hoping to find absolute answers to her questions. She did not. Yet, this did not deter her as she sought to come to terms with her own mortality--something she says many don't do until faced with a loss. Ludwig is still exploring life, and ultimately its end, all these years later, including most recently as the former Director of Spiritual Wellness for Canyon Ranch, a global leader in the wellness movement. ... It is due to Ludwig's unique journey and training that I interviewed her for the second season of my podcast, Colin Milner Rethinks Aging With .... I reached out to her to learn how we -- as individuals and as active-aging professionals - can ensure, as best possible, that we and our residents and members, family members and friends not only live well, but die well, too. As someone who has spent decades focused on quality of life for adults ages 50+, I found the discussion profoundly meaningful. And as International Council on Active Aging CEO, I wanted to share that conversation with you. Let's dive in!



Health matters to older adults: Recommendations, considerations and advice by Mary E. Sanders, PhD, FACSM, and James A. Peterson, PhD, FACSM-8960

Health matters to older adults: Recommendations, considerations and advice by Mary E. Sanders, PhD, FACSM, and James A. Peterson, PhD, FACSM

Human aging, the process of growing up and growing older, refers to the physiological changes that individuals experience over the course of their lifespan. Why these inevitable changes occur has seemingly been debated since time eternal. Currently, more than 300 theories attempt to identify why a person's cells, tissues and organs don't last forever. Each of these efforts tries to explain why the fundamental structures of a cell decline over time. Arguably, however, more important than ascertaining why human cells don't last forever are how they decline and what can be done to slow the process. With regard to "how" cells age, no consensus exists, even though a number of theories have attempted to address this matter. One area in which a noteworthy level of agreement can be found is the issue of whether something can be done to impede the pace of the physiological decline typically associated with aging. In fact, actions can be undertaken to obstruct this downturn. Many of these steps are lifestyle-related, plausibly none more consequential than exercise. ... Based on consensus guidelines developed by a working group of world-renowned experts on aging and exercise--the task force of the International Conference of Frailty and Sarcopenia Research (ICFSR), this article not only provides exercise recommendations for older adults, but also offers a review of the role of physical activity in addressing several health-related concerns that older adults often have.



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