What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Search by topic
Health, wealth and longevity-767

Health, wealth and longevity

Dr. Robert Butler examines the inter-relationships between longevity, health and wealth.



The Conductorcise story-765

The Conductorcise story

Mr. Conductorcise talks about the continued growth of the his swinging program "Conductorcise."


Business profiles

Geriatrics specialists-763

Geriatrics specialists

Tara Cortes of Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing discusses the shortage of Geriatrics specialist.


Market opportunities

Functional rehabilitation-760

Functional rehabilitation

Dr. Wayne Phillips discusses functional rehabilitation and its benefits.


Functional training

Functional design-755

Functional design

Learn how functional level(s) impact your center design, equipment choices, staffing and marketing.


Physical wellness

Frailty and function-753

Frailty and function

Dr. Miriam Nelson of Tufts University defines "frailty" by functional abilities.



Total items: 101

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