What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Topic- Health promotion


Stats: 81% of employers aspire to culture of wellbeing-6827

Stats: 81% of employers aspire to culture of wellbeing

Workplace productivity, job satisfaction, and employee retention are linked to physical health and financial wellbeing, among other elements of broader total wellbeing, according to the eighth edition of "Working Well: A Global Survey of Workforce Wellbeing Strategies," produced by human resources and benefits consulting firm, Buck.


Health promotion

How companies can impact health/wellness behaviors-6728

How companies can impact health/wellness behaviors

The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) recently announced the launch of the Global Health and Wellness Digital Framework, developed in partnership with consulting firm Capgemini.


Health promotion

Older adult health literacy challenges-6722

Older adult health literacy challenges

The US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine recently published proceedings of a day-long roundtable, "Health literacy and older adults: Reshaping the landscape," which explores the health communication challenges faced by older adults and their professional and family caregivers, and the impact of those challenges on care.


Health promotion

Special report:  Should older adults be screened for abuse?-6718

Special report: Should older adults be screened for abuse?

The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recently concluded there is insufficient to suggest that any women other than those who are pregnant or postpartum should be screened for intimate partner violence, according to recommendations published in JAMA.


Health promotion

Majority of type 2 diabetics at risk of heart ills-6702

Majority of type 2 diabetics at risk of heart ills

The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in partnership with Novo Nordisk recently announced results from the "Taking Diabetes to Heart" survey, which investigated cardiovascular disease (CVD) awareness among 12,695 people with type 2 diabetes in more than 30 countries.


Health promotion

Daily aspirin boosts bleeding, confers little benefit-6680

Daily aspirin boosts bleeding, confers little benefit

Three articles in a recent issue of the New England Journal of Medicine warn that taking daily aspirin for primary prevention (e.g., to prevent a first heart attack or stroke) not only doesn't work, but is potentially harmful.


Health promotion

Total items: 137

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