What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Older adults unlikely to start treatment after depression diagnosis-6269

Older adults unlikely to start treatment after depression diagnosis

Only 35.7% of US adults who receive a new depression diagnosis from their primary care doctor start treatment with antidepressant medication or psychotherapy within 90 days of the diagnosis, researchers from Kaiser Permanente have found.


Mental health

Stats: 62% of employers have workplace wellness programs - or do they?-6265

Stats: 62% of employers have workplace wellness programs - or do they?

While 62% of employers say they offer wellness programs, only 40% of employees with employer-based health coverage say they work for an organization that offers such a program, according two recent surveys by the national nonprofit Transamerica Center for Health Studies.


Employee wellness

Dental care in early dementia may curb problems later-6262

Dental care in early dementia may curb problems later

Providing thorough preventive dental care when an individual is diagnosed with early stage dementia may reduce the risk of dental disease before cognitive decline takes hold, researchers in the UK suggest.


Physical wellness

Flu shots urged for socially active older women-6259

Flu shots urged for socially active older women

Flu shots may be particularly important for older women who are socially active, researchers in Japan suggest. Researchers analyzed data from more than 12,200 men and women over age 65 and looked at the association between flu infection and participation in volunteer groups, sports groups, leisure activity groups, seniors centers, neighborhood associations and other social and/or educational groups.


Physical wellness

Location, staff drive older-adult community satisfaction-6256

Location, staff drive older-adult community satisfaction

Convenient location and quality staff are the key drivers of satisfaction - far outpacing cost -- among senior living residents and their families, according to the inaugural J.D. Power 2018 Senior Living Satisfaction Study.



Stats: 12 million ED visits for people 45+ with diabetes-6252

Stats: 12 million ED visits for people 45+ with diabetes

There were an estimated 12 million emergency department (ED) visits by people with diabetes ages 45 and over in 2015, the latest year for which data are available, according a new report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Additional findings:


Physical wellness

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