What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Topic- Gerontology


At age 65, almost 9 more years of healthy life in the EU-3171

At age 65, almost 9 more years of healthy life in the EU



Too much sitting increases risk of mortality-3117

Too much sitting increases risk of mortality

New research continues to support the recommendations to limit the amount of time spent sitting. As reported in ICAA Research Review, a 20-country study found a median sitting time of 5 hours among people 18-65 years old (ICAA Research Review, 11[26] July 2011).



Well-being increases with age in UK-3090

Well-being increases with age in UK

In a bid to add qualitative information to objective measures, such as health and economic status, questions on subjective well-being were added to a major survey of households in the United Kingdom. As stated in the report of initial findings, adding questions on well-being “is key to giving people a say in the areas affecting their lives—in health, employment, crime, education and skills. By asking people how they feel about these areas and adding to the results the objective statistics on, for example, crime rates where they live, then better decisions can be made.”



Quality of life increases with age, even as physical quality declines-3088

Quality of life increases with age, even as physical quality declines



Ability to hear is important, but not always present-2892

Ability to hear is important, but not always present



Physical activity more than body weight influences risk of mortality-2871

Physical activity more than body weight influences risk of mortality

What is more important to health and ultimately longevity: physical activity or body weight?



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