What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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The Journal on Active Aging brings articles of value to professionals dedicated to older-adult quality of life. Content sweeps across the active-aging landscape to focus on education and practice. Find articles of interest by searching the article archives in three ways: Enter a keyword in the articles search bar; click on search by topic; or type a keyword or phrase in the general search bar at the top of the page.

Peak achievement: NuStep's Pinnacle Award salutes two outstanding programs-1145

Peak achievement: NuStep's Pinnacle Award salutes two outstanding programs

“NuStep is honored to recognize these world-class organizations and applaud their outstanding efforts,” says Sarns. “By giving older adults in the Denton community access to health and wellness education and customized fitness training, and by offering it in a social and nurturing environment, Jean Seward and the team at Seniors in Motion are giving their members the tools to improve the quality of their lives.” At Sunnyside, he continues, “Annie Shaffer and the Wellness Team create innovative—and fun—programs that help residents and employees take ownership in their wellness. As a result, there is an atmosphere of health and positivity throughout the Sunnyside community.”


Program profiles

ICAA Conference 2009: ideas and observations-1144

ICAA Conference 2009: ideas and observations

Why do you attend a professional conference? To update skills and learn new things, according to delegates who attended the International Council on Active Aging Conference, held in December at the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida. With a roster of 52 presenters, a variety of services and equipment filling the trade show, and interesting colleagues to meet and learn from, the stage was set to achieve those goals.


ICAA initiatives

Guidelines for physical activity: pointers for active-aging professionals by Judy Kruger, PhD-1142

Guidelines for physical activity: pointers for active-aging professionals by Judy Kruger, PhD

Released by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans offer important new information to help people of all ages and conditions improve health through physical activity. This set of recommendations, based on a thorough review of the scientific evidence, presents clear guidelines for different population groups. These include older adults, individuals with disabilities, and those with chronic medical conditions, among others.


Health promotion

Boosting personal energy for adults 50 and over by Ron Woods, PhD-1141

Boosting personal energy for adults 50 and over by Ron Woods, PhD

For many individuals, the longer they live, the less personal energy they seem to have. Savvy marketers have picked up the ball on this “energy shortage” and hawk energy drinks loaded with caffeine, energy bars and foods, sleep aids, and diet and other “natural supplements” that promise more get up and go.


Physical wellness

Healthy balance, brains & bones, part one: balance training gets wet by Mary E. Sanders, PhD, FACSM-1138

Healthy balance, brains & bones, part one: balance training gets wet by Mary E. Sanders, PhD, FACSM

Millie is 63 years old with a history of being active. Last year, Millie had a right knee replacement—which her healthcare providers considered successful—and she completed all her physical therapy sessions afterwards. Yet she reported feeling “klutzy and unstable a lot.” When we measured her body composition, we learned that Millie’s total muscle mass was greater in her left leg compared to her right. Her scores for static balance (defined below) showed that she was within healthy norms while standing on her left leg, but beneath normative scores for her age while standing on the right. In addition to these issues, Millie was recently diagnosed with osteopenia (lower-than-normal bone density), putting her at risk for osteoporosis.



Environmental wellness: where 'green', health, and well-being converge by Marilynn Larkin, MA-1135

Environmental wellness: where 'green', health, and well-being converge by Marilynn Larkin, MA

From “Waste Not, Want Not” to “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,” environmentally friendly concepts have been with us for some time. These concepts offer concrete steps that people can take to lessen their impact on the natural world, mitigate damage, and play a part in protecting the environment. But, even as people act for a healthier world, what is often lost is the environment’s impact on their health.


Environmental wellness

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