What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Physical and cognitive dimensions may slow cognitive decline-6081

Physical and cognitive dimensions may slow cognitive decline

The physical dimension of wellness focuses on the many elements needed to keep bodies strong, including nutrition, health care, sleep, physical activity and avoiding smoking or excessive drinking.


Cognitive health

Midlife adults find their news online-6079

Midlife adults find their news online

About two-thirds (67%) of people ages 65 and older get news on a mobile device (smartphone or cell phone), according to an analysis of survey data.


Market research

Feeling in control maintains social activity-6077

Feeling in control maintains social activity

Functional limitations may interfere with a person's social activity, which in turn can lead to additional health issues and decline over time.


Emotional wellness

Stats: 49 million people 65 years and older in US-6076

Stats: 49 million people 65 years and older in US

There were an estimated 49.2 million people 65 years and older living in the United States in 2016.



In longterm care, environmental features promote physical activity-6073

In longterm care, environmental features promote physical activity

In general, people become more physically inactive as they age. However, individuals in longterm care (assisted living or nursing) may spend more time being inactive than those in the larger community.


Community design

Rewrite descriptions to make vegetables exciting-6071

Rewrite descriptions to make vegetables exciting

Vegetables and fruits are mainstays of dietary recommendations (MyPlate for Older Adults, Tufts University) as well as a prominent part of the Mediterranean eating pattern (Mediterranean Diet Pyramid, Oldways) because plant-based eating has been linked to positive health outcomes.



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