What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Digitally connected, with a little help-6069

Digitally connected, with a little help

Over the past five years, the use of smartphones by people 65 years and older in the US has nearly quadrupled so that about 42% of an estimated 46 million people own smartphones.



Leisure-time physical activity may reduce risk of Alzheimer's-6066

Leisure-time physical activity may reduce risk of Alzheimer's

A systematic review found 24 studies that examined the relationship between physical activity and new cases of Alzheimer's disease.


Cognitive health

Older people are fast-growing segment of the workforce-6064

Older people are fast-growing segment of the workforce

In Canada, 38% of people 55 years and older were working in 2016, according to a new release of data from the census.



Stats: 13 million US households could need home modifications-6062

Stats: 13 million US households could need home modifications

By 2035, 50 million households-one out of every three-will be headed by older adults, which is likely to increase the demand for home modifications to enable aging in place.



Build cognitive reserve with midlife challenges-6060

Build cognitive reserve with midlife challenges

The theory of cognitive reserve suggests that people's lifestyle in early and middle ages challenges the brain, which makes them more able to tolerate illness or declines as they age.


Cognitive health

Exercisers experience less disability after a stroke-6058

Exercisers experience less disability after a stroke

A stroke results when there is a blockage of blood flow to the brain (ischemic) or a blood vessel bursts (hemorrhagic), either of which damage the brain. The risk of stroke increases with age, and it is a major cause of disability (Centers for Disease Control and Research).


Cardiovascular health

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