What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Lonely or not, older adults benefit from social connections-6040

Lonely or not, older adults benefit from social connections

Both the subjective experience of loneliness (how people feel) and the objective measures of isolation, such as size of social network and access to resources, are important despite their differences, point out the authors of a new report.


Emotional wellness

Ageism has many consequences-6039

Ageism has many consequences

Ageist attitudes may increase a person's worry about dementia and could lead to discrimination in the workplace.


Attitudes & perceptions

Inactivity plus lifestyle risks equal more chronic conditions-6036

Inactivity plus lifestyle risks equal more chronic conditions

Would the lifestyle factors of physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol intake, body mass index or fruit and vegetable consumption lead to one or more chronic health conditions?


Health conditions

Strength training helps cognition-6034

Strength training helps cognition

A group of 100 people ages 55 and older who had mild cognitive impairment engaged in progressive strength training and cognitive training two to three days per week over six months.


Cognitive health

Stats: $259 billion cost of Alzheimer's disease-6031

Stats: $259 billion cost of Alzheimer's disease

The national cost of caring for people with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias in the United States was estimated at US $259 billion, according to a compilation of data from multiple sources.


Economics of aging

Older homeowners lead growth of remodeling industry-6029

Older homeowners lead growth of remodeling industry

People remodel their homes to add space, improve the facilities, increase energy efficiency or make changes to accommodate aging in place (National Association of Home Builders).



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