What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Costs rise when joint pain limits activity-6027

Costs rise when joint pain limits activity

As part of the US Medical Expenditures Panel Survey (2011), 3,793 adults reported they had any type of arthritis or joint pain (including back pain). Most of them (87.7%) were 45 years and older.



Arthritis limits activities, but exercise helps-6025

Arthritis limits activities, but exercise helps

Over 100 conditions describe the inflammation of a bone joint, which is the definition of "arthritis."



Exercise relieves depression for people with dementia-6023

Exercise relieves depression for people with dementia

While living at one of eight long-term care homes in Taiwan, 150 resident volunteers with dementia who used wheelchairs were assigned to an exercise group or a control group.


Emotional wellness

Diet quality may link to leisure activity-6022

Diet quality may link to leisure activity

Men and women participating in England's Hertfordshire Cohort Study completed a food frequency questionnaire and other lifestyle questionnaires at baseline and about 10 years later.



Stats: 44.6 million healthy years lost without vegetables-6020

Stats: 44.6 million healthy years lost without vegetables

An analysis gathered data from surveys of nutrition and consumer expenditures in 195 countries, then related these to other studies on the relationship of vegetable and fruit consumption to the risk of heart disease.



The give and take of social connections-6018

The give and take of social connections

The social dimension of wellness is an important part of active aging, leading to many benefits for physical, mental and cognitive health.


Market research

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