What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Double the intake of fruits and veggies to prevent disease-5980

Double the intake of fruits and veggies to prevent disease

The slogan "Five a Day" reminds everyone to eat five servings, or portions, each day of fruit and vegetables because these foods provide important nutrients.


Health promotion

In their sixties, too much sedentary time-5960

In their sixties, too much sedentary time

The health disadvantages of too much sedentary time have been documented in multiple studies, with many more appearing in recent years.


Health promotion

For women, exercise lifts quality of life-5958

For women, exercise lifts quality of life

As women age and move through the physical changes of menopause, they may experience weight gain, difficulty sleeping, mood changes and sleep difficulties (Menopause Society).


Emotional wellness

How do older adults define successful aging?-5956

How do older adults define successful aging?

Successful aging has been described in a variety of ways by gerontologists and other professionals.


Attitudes & perceptions

Life review can relieve depression-5954

Life review can relieve depression

A meta-analysis of 11 randomized controlled trials and controlled clinical trials that related participation in life review interventions to the quality of life among older adults was conducted.


Emotional wellness

Boomers worry about affording retirement living-5952

Boomers worry about affording retirement living

Answering questions on a survey sent to 1,000 people 55 years and older in the United States, about one-third (30%) said they were anxious at least once a month about being able to afford the place where they lived.


Economics of aging

Total items: 2686

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