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Topic- Exercise


Flexibility training: exercises for older adults by Phil Page, P.T., M.S., .T.C., C.S.C.S.-279

Flexibility training: exercises for older adults by Phil Page, P.T., M.S., .T.C., C.S.C.S.

The following tips will help health and wellness practitioners provide aging clients with healthy, safe stretching programs:



Hand exercises to improve functional abilities by Naomi Aaronson, M.A., OTRlL, CHT-272

Hand exercises to improve functional abilities by Naomi Aaronson, M.A., OTRlL, CHT

Ask clients to sit down to do hand and wrist exercises, as these movements require a supportive surface for the forearm.
Watch for correct posture



Hand wellness for older adults  by Naomi Aaronson, M.A., OTRlL, CHT-269

Hand wellness for older adults by Naomi Aaronson, M.A., OTRlL, CHT

Our primary tool for manipulating the environment is our hands.

We use our hands to brush our teeth, apply makeup, write a letter, perform work duties, and many other tasks. Yet we do not always appreciate the importance of our hands until we are injured.



Improving older adults' eye-head coordination  by Debra Rose, Ph.D.-263

Improving older adults' eye-head coordination by Debra Rose, Ph.D.

Three sensory systems are particularly important to maintain balance in standing and moving environments. These are the visual, somatosensory, and vestibular systems. Although no individual system provides us with all the sensory information we need to determine our position in space



Meeting the fibromyalgia challenge by Mary E. Sanders-226

Meeting the fibromyalgia challenge by Mary E. Sanders

Widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue characterize fibromyalgia (FM), an arthritis-related syndrome of unknown origin. Other common FM symptoms include sleep disturbances, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic headaches, morning stiffness, and cognitive and memory impairments (Thorson,1992). A diagnosis of FM is based on the following criteria:

•The person has widespread pain on both sides, and above and below the belt.
•The person feels pain in 11 of 18 specified tender point sites when the tester applies pressure to these areas (Bennett, Smythe, & Wolfe, 1992).



Ezy Tai Chi: a simpler practice for seniors by K. John Fisher, Fuzhong Li and Machiko Shirai-217

Ezy Tai Chi: a simpler practice for seniors by K. John Fisher, Fuzhong Li and Machiko Shirai

As a form of exercise, tai chi increasingly appeals to the growing proportion of older adults that looks for alternative and convenient ways to exercise for health. Originally developed for martial arts purposes in China more than 300 hundred years ago, this practice has been used as a traditional exercise to improve fitness, health and longevity for individuals of all ages. Tai chi’s low-to-moderate intensity and beneficial effects on strength, flexibility, breathing and balance make it especially attractive to mature adults.



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