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Topic- Gerontology


The aging body-153

The aging body

Life expectancy in the United States rose dramatically in the 20th century, from about 47 years in 1900 to about 73 years for males and 79 years for females in 1999. This increase is mostly due to improvements in environmental factors - sanitation, the discovery of antibiotics, and medical care. Now, as scientists make headway against chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease, some think life expectancy can be extended even further in the 21st century.



Tips from space: exploring human function-119

Tips from space: exploring human function

In the early 1990s, Dr. William J. Evans came to prominence as a member of the Tufts University team that introduced landmark research on exercise and aging to the world. Together with Dr. Irwin Rosenberg, Evans coauthored an internationally acclaimed book based on this research, entitled Biomarkers: The 10 Determinants of Aging You Can Control. In his recent book Astro- Fit: The Astronaut Program for Anti-Aging, the veteran scientist reveals the results of his pioneering work with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and his new approach to exercise and aging.



Re-visioning retirement by Colin Milner-114

Re-visioning retirement by Colin Milner

Dr. Ken Dychtwald is widely viewed as America's most original thinker and well-respected visionary regarding the personal, social, healthcare and economic implications of the longevity revolution and the aging of America. The renowned gerontologist, psychologist, public speaker and best-selling author is the founder of Age Wave, a firm that guides Fortune 500 companies and government groups in product/service development for Baby Boomers and mature adults. He is also a fellow of the World Economic Forum and a frequent guest on television and radio shows nationwide.



Older adult drinking: healthy or risky behavior? by Patrick C. Cullinane, M.S.-109

Older adult drinking: healthy or risky behavior? by Patrick C. Cullinane, M.S.

Not a week seems to go by without another report on the beneficial effects of drinking alcohol. For adults ages 60 and older, what does this research mean? If I'm an occasional drinker, should I start drinking more? If I generally don't drink, should I start drinking? We all want to live well as we live long, so these are important public health questions for our growing older adult population.



Caring for caregivers by Marge Coalman-104

Caring for caregivers by Marge Coalman

In North America, millions of people care for family members, friends or clients with some degree of incapacitation. A 1997 National Alliance for Caregiving/AARP survey revealed that 22.4 million American households (23% of households) were involved in caring for adults ages 50 and above, and that number could rise to 39 million by 2007.



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