What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Topic- Health promotion


Stats: Fewer than 13% of Boomers screened for HCV-6334

Stats: Fewer than 13% of Boomers screened for HCV

Approximately one in 30 Boomers is chronically infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV), and almost half of all liver cancer cases in the U.S. are caused by HCV.


Health promotion

Physically fit women less likely to develop dementia-6302

Physically fit women less likely to develop dementia

Highly fit middle-aged women were nearly 90% less likely to develop dementia decades later compared with women who were moderately fit, according to a study in Sweden.


Health promotion

Screening may curb hip fractures in older women-6271

Screening may curb hip fractures in older women

A screening program using the Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX) reduced the incidence of hip fractures among women ages 70-85 by 28% over five years, according to a study in the UK.


Health promotion

Stats: 62% of employers have workplace wellness programs - or do they?-6267

Stats: 62% of employers have workplace wellness programs - or do they?

While 62% of employers say they offer wellness programs, only 40% of employees with employer-based health coverage say they work for an organization that offers such a program, according two recent surveys by the national nonprofit Transamerica Center for Health Studies.


Health promotion

Flu shots urged for socially active older women-6261

Flu shots urged for socially active older women

Flu shots may be particularly important for older women who are socially active, researchers in Japan suggest. Researchers analyzed data from more than 12,200 men and women over age 65 and looked at the association between flu infection and participation in volunteer groups, sports groups, leisure activity groups, seniors centers, neighborhood associations and other social and/or educational groups.


Health promotion

Stats: 55% of silent generation want walkable communities-6194

Stats: 55% of silent generation want walkable communities

Millennials and the Silent Generation now have something in common, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR).


Health promotion

Total items: 137

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