What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Topic- Mental health


Specific activities appeal to people feeling psychological distress-4362

Specific activities appeal to people feeling psychological distress

Can physical activity help relieve the symptoms of people with psychological distress? A mail survey was conducted among 7,873 people ages 42-67 who were asked about their preferences for 14 physical activities.


Mental health

Stressful life events may increase risk of falls among older men-4327

Stressful life events may increase risk of falls among older men

When a person feels stress, the body reacts with symptoms such as an increased heart rate and blood pressure. If these symptoms persist over time, they may lead to physical or psychological problems (University of Maryland Medical Center).


Mental health

Does it or doesn't it? Case for exercise reducing depression still out-4323

Does it or doesn't it? Case for exercise reducing depression still out

A meta-analysis included 39 randomly controlled trials that compared exercise for depression to other types of treatment or to no treatment. In a meta-analysis, the data from individual trials is “pooled” to construct a new set of numbers with the intention of making the data more reliable.


Mental health

Positive relationships with grandchildren reduce depression-4284

Positive relationships with grandchildren reduce depression

Older adults aren’t always so happy living with youth under 18 (ICAA Research Review, [13]22, June 2013). However, if the younger person is an adult grandchild and the relationship is positive, a different story may be told.


Mental health

Older adults use two approaches for satisfaction with life-4235

Older adults use two approaches for satisfaction with life

The ability to control one’s environment is a desire among people as they age, and background in a new study explains that control is linked to life satisfaction. But, what happens when some of that control is no longer available?


Mental health

Services at adult day centers relieve stress for caregivers-4155

Services at adult day centers relieve stress for caregivers

Adult day centers provide a combination of programs, supervision and meals for older adults. Adult day services may offer medical services or social services, with capacity differing among centers. The older adults who visit adult day centers are likely to have cognitive impairment or developmental disabilities (National Adult Day Services Association).


Mental health

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