What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Tech Talk: Does functional age best biological age for assessing longevity?-10012

Tech Talk: Does functional age best biological age for assessing longevity?

The concept of "biological age," rather than "chronological age," is gaining traction as a more scientific way to assess aging, according to a recent article in Longevity.Technology. However, a new concept, "functional age," has been proposed as an even better tool -- and consumer longevity startup Zest will be launching an artificial intelligence platform that aims to do just that.



Screening mammograms risky for women over 70-10006

Screening mammograms risky for women over 70

Breast cancer screening for women over 70 carries risks, according to research from Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut. Although some guidelines recommend continuing screening for older women, the study emphasizes the importance of assessing potential harms associated with testing, such as overdiagnosis, which, researchers say, can negatively affect quality of life. Active-aging organizations could consider educating residents and staff about the findings, which seem to be garnering support in the medical community.


Health conditions

Opioids no more effective than placebo for acute back, neck pain-10000

Opioids no more effective than placebo for acute back, neck pain

Opioid pain-relieving medicines are not more effective than a placebo ("dummy" pill) for relieving acute back and neck pain and may even cause harm, according to a world-first trial led by the University of Sydney, Australia. The researchers say this is proof that treatment guidelines should be updated to advise against the use of opioids for this purpose. Active-aging organizations might consider educating residents and staff about the findings to help limit opioid overuse and risk of misuse -- i.e., they can ask doctors about alternatives.



Daily walking curbs adverse effects of bedrest in the hospital-9992

Daily walking curbs adverse effects of bedrest in the hospital

As little as 25 minutes a day of slow walking seems to be enough to counter the detrimental physical effects of bedrest on older hospital patients, according to a pooled data analysis of the available evidence. For optimal improvements in physical function, around 50 mins/day of slow walking or around 40 mins of combined physical activities, such as 20 minutes of resistance bands with around 20 minutes of aerobic activity, are the most effective.



More resident diversity needed in life plan communities-9984

More resident diversity needed in life plan communities

The Mather Institute has taken a "frank look at the lack of resident diversity" in one of its latest research briefs.


Culture Change

Stats: 37% of older adults get potentially inappropriate medications-9972

Stats: 37% of older adults get potentially inappropriate medications

Researchers have found that the use of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) among older adults is "widespread" globally, and significantly in North America, as well as elsewhere. A PIM is a drug for which the potential adverse risks may exceed any expected benefits. Management of life plan, assisted living, and memory communities have an additional reason to make sure their residents are taking only appropriate medications.



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