What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Chronic pain may indicate risk of falls-5472

Chronic pain may indicate risk of falls

Levels of chronic musculoskeletal pain were assessed for 295 people, average age 77 years. The falls they experienced were counted over 12 months.


Health conditions

Older adults fuel growth in renting, rather than owning-5437

Older adults fuel growth in renting, rather than owning

According to construction statistics from the US Census, there were 264,000 units in multifamily housing built in 2014. Of these 23,000 were age-restricted (Survey of Construction).



Older adults and professionals do not think alike-5434

Older adults and professionals do not think alike

In an interesting twist on the annual “United States of Aging Survey,” the poll was completed by professionals offering services for older adults, as well as older adults themselves.


Attitudes & perceptions

Travel and social life fill the days of people newly retired-5432

Travel and social life fill the days of people newly retired

An online survey was conducted among 3,004 people in Great Britain.


Attitudes & perceptions

Neighborhood environment can increase risk of diabetes-5431

Neighborhood environment can increase risk of diabetes

Between 2000-2012, a group of 5,124 individuals ages 45-84 years participating in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis who did not have type 2 diabetes at baseline had five clinical examinations.



Long-term care workforce needs more workers-5428

Long-term care workforce needs more workers

By analyzing current long-term care usage patterns by age, gender and race, and projecting those patterns into the future, the authors of an analysis estimated that at least 2.5 million more workers will be needed to provide long-term care to older people in the United States between now and 2030.


Career development

Total items: 2686

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