What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Improve cardiorespiratory fitness to improve cognition-5426

Improve cardiorespiratory fitness to improve cognition

For a pilot study, 101 people who had no cognitive impairment but were sedentary or underactive were assigned to exercise groups or a control group.


Cardiovascular health

Effective fall reduction program saves money-5404

Effective fall reduction program saves money

The LIFT Wellness Program (Living Independently and Falls-free Together) was designed to counteract both the rate of falls among older adults and healthcare costs. The program includes an in-home assessment, referral to a physician, and recommendations to engage in exercise and make appropriate home safety modifications. Participants engage in quarterly telephone calls with counselors and receive a newsletter.


Economics of aging

Do people know how to reduce their risk of cognitive decline?-5402

Do people know how to reduce their risk of cognitive decline?

An online poll was conducted among 1,600 people who answered questions about their knowledge of brain health and the relationship to cognitive decline and dementia. The majority (91%) of respondents believed they could reduce the risk of cognitive decline.


Cognitive health

Heart health and brain health go hand in hand-5400

Heart health and brain health go hand in hand

With the populations of older adults rising in most countries of the world, concern is also rising about the increasing prevalence of cognitive impairment and dementias,


Cognitive health

Each year of age makes it harder to find a job-5398

Each year of age makes it harder to find a job

Older adults are being encouraged to work longer to improve their finances, among other reasons. However, after losing a job, getting another one may not be easy.


Economics of aging

Exercise helps maintain quality of life for people with Parkinson's-5396

Exercise helps maintain quality of life for people with Parkinson's

Questions on the Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) were answered by 2,940 people diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease at baseline and at two and three years.


Parkinson's disease

Total items: 2686

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