What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Older population increases, but younger cohort is larger-5394

Older population increases, but younger cohort is larger

An estimated 46.2 million people in the United States were ages 65 and older in 2014. The highest percentage of 65+ residents was in Florida.



Older adults motivated to reduce risks of diabetes and heart disease-5392

Older adults motivated to reduce risks of diabetes and heart disease

Younger and older adults at high risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes enrolled in a modified Diabetes Prevention Program.


Cardiovascular health

Do ups and downs in life satisfaction impact longevity?-5388

Do ups and downs in life satisfaction impact longevity?

People who live longer tend to have great life satisfaction, report the authors of a new study. But, they wondered, what happens when satisfaction changes over time?


Attitudes & perceptions

Light intensity activities add to benefits of more vigorous physical activity-5385

Light intensity activities add to benefits of more vigorous physical activity

According to background in a recent report, apathy (lack of interest or indifference) may hasten cognitive decline among people with dementia.

STUDY: The actions of 40 residents with dementia in a nursing home were tracked using video. Three videos of each resident (while dining, while interacting with a staff member and a random selection) were analyzed. Five factors were evaluated: environmental stimulation, ambiance, crowding, staff familiarity and light and sounds.



Appropriate stimulation may help people with dementia-5384

Appropriate stimulation may help people with dementia

According to background in a recent report, apathy (lack of interest or indifference) may hasten cognitive decline among people with dementia.

STUDY: The actions of 40 residents with dementia in a nursing home were tracked using video. Three videos of each resident (while dining, while interacting with a staff member and a random selection) were analyzed. Five factors were evaluated: environmental stimulation, ambiance, crowding, staff familiarity and light and sounds.


Cognitive health

Individual or team sports ease retirement transitions-5382

Individual or team sports ease retirement transitions

When interviewing 250 residents of a retirement community, the author of a new report defined “sport” as both formal and informal activities, including organized team sports, running and shuffleboard.


Emotional wellness

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