What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Office workers advised to get up and stand-5380

Office workers advised to get up and stand

A consensus statement based in a review of research is prefaced with the statement that people working in offices spend 65-75% of their work time sitting, which has been identified as a health risk factor.


Health promotion

Older adults find tablet computers easier to use-5379

Older adults find tablet computers easier to use

Interviews were conducted with 21 older adults who started using tablet computers because they saw others using them, the devices were recommended or they received one as a gift.



Privacy and honesty most important to residents in long-term care-5376

Privacy and honesty most important to residents in long-term care

To discover what leads to quality of life among residents in long-term care residences in Canada, 928 residents were surveyed. Positive ratings of their quality of life were based on factors such as privacy during visits (76.9%)


Attitudes & perceptions

Stats watch: two new reports profile midlife and older adults-5373

Stats watch: two new reports profile midlife and older adults

The current editions of two compendiums of statistics, “Profile of Older Americans 2014” and “Health, United States, 2014” (with a special section on people ages 55-64 years), have been released. Both publications collect data from a number of federal surveys and bureaus. One group of numbers details the chronic conditions prevalent at older ages, many of which are related to lifestyle.


Health conditions

What works in evidence-based programs-5372

What works in evidence-based programs

Evidence-based programs are based in research that has tested the effectiveness of an intervention or model (National Council on Aging).


Health promotion

Employment and lifelong learning lead to health at older ages-5370

Employment and lifelong learning lead to health at older ages

Interviews were conducted among older adults for the Nihon University Japanese Longitudinal Study of Aging.


Health promotion

Total items: 2686

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