What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Independent residents avoid moving to higher levels of care-5368

Independent residents avoid moving to higher levels of care

Interviews were conducted with 367 people who lived in residences for older adults that feature multiple levels of living, such as independent, assisted and skilled nursing.


Attitudes & perceptions

Wii games benefit function and quality of life-5367

Wii games benefit function and quality of life

A literature review uncovered 22 studies that looked at the effects of Nintendo Wii™ exergames being played by older adults.


Physical wellness

Barriers to exercise may differ for oldest ages-5366

Barriers to exercise may differ for oldest ages

A questionnaire was completed by 144 people ages 65-95 years who reported on their motivations to exercise, barriers to exercise, health and feelings of well-being.



Body weight and smoking influence independence years later-5365

Body weight and smoking influence independence years later

When they were between the ages of 48.6 and 51.1 years, 2,293 men in Sweden were evaluated for cardiovascular risk factors, body weight and lifestyle choices as part of the Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men.


Health conditions

Mindfulness improves quality of life among older adults-5338

Mindfulness improves quality of life among older adults

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) combines practice in meditation with gentle physical movement to help people better understand and work with the stresses in their lives.


Emotional wellness

Improve sleep with mindful meditation-5336

Improve sleep with mindful meditation

As people age, they may experience trouble falling asleep or staying asleep (NIH SeniorHealth). However, disturbed sleep is not normal, and a team of researchers wondered if there was a non-drug way to have a good night’s sleep.

STUDY: A group of 49 people with moderate sleep problems, ages 55 and older, were randomly assigned to attend a sleep hygiene education course (sleep habits, relaxation methods and establishing bedtime routines) or to learn a mindful awareness practice that trained participants to be aware of their thoughts and emotions but avoid reacting to or becoming distracted by them.


Emotional wellness

Total items: 2686

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