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Topic- Physical wellness


Exercise best remedy for intermittent claudication-7828

Exercise best remedy for intermittent claudication

Intermittent claudication is a hallmark of peripheral artery disease (PAD), a common ailment in people over age 60 that is associated with diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and physical inactivity. Symptoms include pain or discomfort in the muscles of the calf, thigh or buttocks while walking. Although various medications, such as vasodilators, can be used to relieve the pain, the best approach is exercise, UK researchers say. It's one more reason for organizations to get their constituents up and moving, and to see whether those with the condition can relieve it by physical activity alone.


Physical wellness

Workplace intervention improves blood pressure control-7823

Workplace intervention improves blood pressure control

Chinese researchers investigated a multicomponent workplace-based intervention that combines workplace health promotion and high blood pressure management and found that it had a significantly positive effect on blood pressure control. It's not a quick fix: the intervention took place over two years in 60 workplaces with a total of more than 4,000 employees (mean age, 46; 83% men). But it got results, and is something to consider.


Physical wellness

Stats: One egg a day won't harm heart health-7815

Stats: One egg a day won't harm heart health

Eggs are an affordable source of high-quality protein, iron and unsaturated fatty acids, but due to their cholesterol content, the association between egg intake and cardiovascular disease risk has been a topic of intense debate over the past decade. This latest study adds to evidence that moderate egg consumption - up to one egg per day - is not associated with increased risk, something industry professionals should be aware of.


Physical wellness

Marijuana use continues to climb among older adults-7790

Marijuana use continues to climb among older adults

Cannabis use continues to increase among older adults in the US, and while the absolute increase may seem small - 2.4% to 4.2% from 2015 to 2018 - the relative increase is large, at 75%. Industry professionals should pay attention, because among other factors, the analysis of findings from more than 15,000 individuals 65 and older (55% men; 77% white) reveals "significant increases" among those whose demographics are similar to many potential customers: women, individuals of white and nonwhite races/ethnicities, those with a college education, those with incomes of $20,000 to $49,000 and $75,000or greater, and married people.


Physical wellness

Stats: $50 rise in out-of-pocket costs tied to lower neurologic meds use-7785

Stats: $50 rise in out-of-pocket costs tied to lower neurologic meds use

As out-of-pocket costs surge for drugs for the neurologic disorders Alzheimer's disease, peripheral neuropathy and Parkinson's disease, people are less likely to take the drugs as often as their doctors prescribe, a recent study reveals. Study author Brian C. Callaghan, MD, of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor commented, "Of course, if people do not follow their prescriptions correctly, they are less likely to benefit from the drug and see improvements in their condition, possibly leading to complications and higher costs later." Industry professionals need to be aware that not taking medications regularly can also trigger symptoms, potentially affecting an individual's ability to participate in programs or leading to disruptions in group activities


Physical wellness

Outpatient palliative care beneficial for Parkinson's disease-7768

Outpatient palliative care beneficial for Parkinson's disease

Outpatient palliative care was associated with better quality of life at six months compared to standard care, according to a randomized, controlled trial of 210 adults (mean age, 70; about 65% men) with Parkinson's disease and related disorders, half of whom received the intervention. Other improvements favoring palliative care included a lower burden of nonmotor symptoms (e.g., pain), less severe motor symptoms, and more willingness to complete advance directives.


Physical wellness

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