What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Tech Talk: 2023 Fintech for Aging and Longevity map launches-9940

Tech Talk: 2023 Fintech for Aging and Longevity map launches

Fintech4Longevity recently posted an interactive map that provides a detailed overview of start-ups in the field of longevity and finance. The company curated the ecosystem map with a specific focus on highlighting start-ups that intersect longevity and finance, while also supporting technological advancements in the realm of finance and fintech. It's worth a look for the depth of information and insights into how potential customers might expand and extend their income and equity, as well as resources for potential collaborations around financial education.



Community spaces may boost healthy aging for older non-white adults-9926

Community spaces may boost healthy aging for older non-white adults

Millions of Americans over the age of 65 lack access to the social and emotional support they need for healthy aging, and non-white individuals in rural communities are especially susceptible. Recent research from Penn State found that the presence of social infrastructure -- shared community spaces that are free or low cost to visit -- in these communities may help provide social and emotional support and promote healthy aging among older, non-white adults. Active-aging organizations might think about ways to help.



Active older adults have better quality of life-9918

Active older adults have better quality of life

A reduction in the amount of time spent physically active when adults are over 60 years old June is linked to lower quality of life, a study of almost 1,500 adults has shown. The same was true for increases in the amount of sedentary time, such as watching TV or reading. The researchers say this highlights the need to encourage older adults to remain active.


Physical activity

Canadians continue to support medically assisted dying: Poll-9910

Canadians continue to support medically assisted dying: Poll

A recent national survey conducted by Ipsos Reid on behalf of Dying With Dignity Canada (DWDC), showed that Canadians continue to support access to medical assistance in dying (MAID).


Advance care planning

Tinnitus relief may soon be on the way-9902

Tinnitus relief may soon be on the way

Tinnitus, the ringing, buzzing or hissing sound of silence, varies from slightly annoying in some to debilitating in others. Up to 15% of adults in the US have the disorder; 40% have it chronically, including many older adults.


Health conditions

Stats: 35% of outdoor sports participants are older adults-9884

Stats: 35% of outdoor sports participants are older adults

The Outdoor Industry Association and Outdoor Foundation recently released findings from the "2023 Outdoor Participation Trends Report." The report reveals that the outdoor recreation participation base grew 2.3% in 2022 to a record 168.1M participants, or 55% of the US population over age 6. The report also found that the new participant base is becoming increasingly more diverse in terms of ethnicity, race, age, and sexual and gender identity.



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