What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Against stereotype, older adults favor active pursuits-5334

Against stereotype, older adults favor active pursuits

Previous research has shown that any physical activity, whether gained from walking to the store or attending an exercise class, has a positive effect on health. However, recent statistics show that 59.4% of the US population 65 years and older did not meet either the muscle strengthening (twice a week) or aerobic activity (150 minutes/week) recommendations for physical activity (Health, United States 2014).



Falls most common injury among older adults-5332

Falls most common injury among older adults

Among US adults 65 years and older, unintentional injuries accounted for 85% of all deaths (2012-2013), and of these, 55% resulted from falls.


Health promotion

Older adults like traveling with younger generations-5331

Older adults like traveling with younger generations

A survey was conducted among 1,221 men and women age 45 years and older who had traveled at least 50 miles from home in the prior two years. Most of these respondent (98%) were highly satisfied traveling with younger family members, because it brings the family together (83%),



In Canada, more spending than saving-5328

In Canada, more spending than saving

As part of a larger global survey, 1,000 working and retired people in Canada answered questions about spending or saving. Over one-quarter of working-age adults (27%) believed they will spend all their money and let their children create their own wealth.


Attitudes & perceptions

Aerobic exercise may relieve caregiver stress-5326

Aerobic exercise may relieve caregiver stress

A small study was developed to discover if six months of cycling would benefit 26 people with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease.


Emotional wellness

Active aging is maintained in Europe despite economic conditions-5322

Active aging is maintained in Europe despite economic conditions

In 2012, the Active Ageing Index was developed to track the current status of older adults as well as the potential for active ageing in a given population, along four dimensions: employment; participation in society; independent, healthy and secure living; and capacity and enabling environment for active ageing.


Economics of aging

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