What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Housework may improve physical and emotional well-being-5320

Housework may improve physical and emotional well-being

Housework may not be a favorite activity, but it could be that the resulting cleanliness has a positive effect on quality of life.

STUDY: Information collected during interviews with 337 people ages 65-94 years revealed their thoughts on their physical and emotional well-being.


Emotional wellness

Household chores help women with dementia maintain their identity-5318

Household chores help women with dementia maintain their identity

Over a five to six year period, five interviews were conducted with seven women diagnosed with dementia who were living with their husbands.


Cognitive health

Younger adults want parents to plan for long-term care-5316

Younger adults want parents to plan for long-term care

As a companion to the annual Genworth Cost of Care survey, a group of 1,228 adults ages 18 and older across the United States were asked questions about future planning as part of an omnibus survey.


Attitudes & perceptions

Three actions help promote cognitive health-5315

Three actions help promote cognitive health

Adding to the recent studies and opinion pieces on the actions individuals can take to maintain brain health is a consensus report from the US Institute of Medicine (about to be renamed the National Academy of Medicine).


Cognitive health

Obesity may counteract benefit of not smoking-5313

Obesity may counteract benefit of not smoking

Are boomers more healthy than earlier generations? Perceptions of self-rated health reported by 8,750 Canadians were analyzed for people born between 1935-1944; 1945-1954; 1955-1964; and 1965-1974.


Health promotion

Among those 85+, optimism extends life-5311

Among those 85+, optimism extends life

In Sweden and Finland, 646 people ages 85 and older answered questions during structured interviews, which were coordinated with assessments performed during home visits and medical records.


Attitudes & perceptions

Total items: 2686

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