What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Volunteer tutors maintain their brain health-5307

Volunteer tutors maintain their brain health

Older adult volunteers in the Experience Corps tutor students in kindergarten through third grade to improve their literacy skills and serve as mentors. A research team wanted to discover if tutoring would help older adults maintain the function of the brain’s cortex (responsible for many functions, such as language and information processing) and hippocampus (associated with memory).


Cognitive health

People with Parkinson's benefit from dancing the tango-5305

People with Parkinson's benefit from dancing the tango

Parkinson’s disease is a neuromuscular condition that can cause tremor, rigidity, gait dysfunction and non-motor symptoms, such as depression, fatigue and cognitive degeneration. The tango dance requires specific steps that involve rhythmically walking forward and backward. In addition, tango requires working memory, control of attention, and multitasking to incorporate newly learned and previously learned dance elements, to stay in rhythm with the music, and maneuver around others on the dance floor.


Parkinson's disease

Special issue examines impact of age-friendly communities-5303

Special issue examines impact of age-friendly communities

A special issue of the Public Policy & Aging Report features eight articles on age-friendly communities and aging-in-place. Articles include evaluations of the current states of the Age-Friendly community movement, the Village model, service-enriched Naturally Occurring Retirement Community programs, and the “livability” program of a national organization.


Community design

Flooring that absorbs impact reduces fall-related injuries-5301

Flooring that absorbs impact reduces fall-related injuries

In a nursing home in Sweden, impact-absorbing flooring was installed in six apartments (except for bathrooms), the dining room and portions of the corridor.



People 65+ working in Britain opt for fewer hours-5299

People 65+ working in Britain opt for fewer hours

In England and Wales, about 10% of the population ages 65 and over (934,000 individuals) was employed in 2011, representing 3.5% of all people who were employed. More than half (57.3%) of these older workers worked part-time.


Economics of aging

Some risks of back pain can be changed by lifestyle choices-5297

Some risks of back pain can be changed by lifestyle choices

A review of 26 million records of patients in 13 health care systems across the United States uncovered 1.2 million people with diagnosed low back pain. Individuals with a statistically significant relative risk of low back pain had been diagnosed with depressive disorder, obesity, nicotine dependence or alcohol abuse.

SOURCE: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, annual meeting (March 25, 2015)


Health conditions

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