What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Prediction: 2015 a good year for seniors housing-5272

Prediction: 2015 a good year for seniors housing

Multiple factors indicate that both demand for, and investment in, housing for independent living, assisted living and continuing care will grow in 2015, according to a new report. Demographic trends and an improving economy are factors, along with the willingness for older adults to sell their homes now that real estate values are higher.


Economics of aging

Australia projects an older population, and a healthier life-5271

Australia projects an older population, and a healthier life

Every five years the government of Australia releases a report on the status of the population and the economy. Forty years from now, in 2054-55, the projected life expectancy at birth for men is 95.1 years (in 2015 it’s 91.5 years) and for women 96.6 years (today at 93.6 years). There will be an estimated 40,000 centenarians ages 100 years and older, and almost two million people 85 years and older.



Even a little activity lowers risk of heart attack-5252

Even a little activity lowers risk of heart attack

The Lifestyles Interventions and Independence for Elders Study (LIFE) explored the lifestyle interventions that could help older adults maintain their ability to walk. Data from the study was used to predict the participants’ 10-year risk of heart attack or coronary death.


Cardiovascular health

Background music may interfere with memory-5251

Background music may interfere with memory

Listening to, or making, music is a pleasant occupation enjoyed by many people. That music, however, may not be the best for focus and memory.


Cognitive health

Life review and expressive writing relieve depression-5249

Life review and expressive writing relieve depression

To examine the effects of online self-help interventions for people ages 40 years and older experiencing depressive symptoms, three groups of 58 individuals each engaged in life review (structured evaluation of the past),


Emotional wellness

Jogging at a moderate pace may benefit longevity-5248

Jogging at a moderate pace may benefit longevity

As part of the Copenhagen City Heart Study, 1,098 healthy joggers and 413 healthy but sedentary non-joggers were followed for 12 years. In general, the joggers were younger, had lower blood pressure and body mass index, and had a lower prevalence of smoking and diabetes. Participants reported on the frequency and amount of time they spent jogging and on their pace.


Physical wellness

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