What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Older adults remain important customers for remodelers-5236

Older adults remain important customers for remodelers

An analysis of the home improvement market in the United States reported that remodeling fared better than other housing industries after the recession as people chose to improve their homes rather



Billion dollar technology market on steep growth curve-5235

Billion dollar technology market on steep growth curve

The industry supplying technology to assist older adults may jump from US$2 billion to $30 billion over the next few years, according to the author of a secondary research report.



Meditation may slow brain's decline-5233

Meditation may slow brain's decline

The gray matter in the brain contains neurons associated with functions such as muscle control, senses such as seeing and hearing, and memory, emotions and speech (Lundbeck Institute). Background in a new study explained that the volume and weight of the brain begin to decrease when people are in their mid-to-late-20s.


Cognitive health

Texting while driving is bad; in middle age it's worse-5231

Texting while driving is bad; in middle age it's worse

Late last year a meta-analysis of 28 experimental studies of texting and driving published in “Accident Analysis & Prevention” (71:311-318, October 2014) concluded that “typing and reading text messages adversely affected nearly all measures of safe driving.” A new study examines the issue according to age groups.


Health promotion

Walking outdoors in a group has definite health benefits-5229

Walking outdoors in a group has definite health benefits

Walking is a frequent recommendation for people to start becoming more physically active, and maintain their activity. Joining a walking group may aid individuals in staying motivated and forging social connections.


Environmental wellness

Does aging look the same for high-fit older adults?-5227

Does aging look the same for high-fit older adults?

Over the past years, several studies and surveys summarized in ICAA Research Review have detailed the negative repercussions of sedentary lifestyles, which can cause physiological changes in the body. A research team wondered if physiological changes were due to aging, or to being sedentary. Looking at aging from a different point of view, they sought out older adults who were not sedentary. That was the first challenge: to find physically active older adults.


Physical wellness

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