What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Beware of exaggerated claims about medical topics-5214

Beware of exaggerated claims about medical topics

As 2014 drew to a close, BMJ published a study that is a reminder to be cautious about health claims and information on medical conditions. After analyzing 160 recommendations on two television shows



Hot weather: Extreme heat increases risk of hospitalization-5212

Hot weather: Extreme heat increases risk of hospitalization

Extreme weather events are becoming more common, and high temperatures are one of them. During periods of high heat between 1999-2010, people 65 years and older who were enrolled in Medicare (US health insurance) had a higher risk of hospitalization, most frequently for fluid and electrolyte disorders, kidney failure, urinary tract infections, septicemia and heat stroke. Data from 1,943 counties was used.


Health conditions

Cold weather: Alerts of winter storms associated with fall-related injuries-5210

Cold weather: Alerts of winter storms associated with fall-related injuries

When the government alerted residents of Montreal, Canada, that freezing rain was expected, the warning was associated with an increase in fall-related injuries, especially among men. To a lesser extent, injuries were associated with warnings about snowstorms.


Falls management

Occupancy in age-qualified housing continues upward climb-5209

Occupancy in age-qualified housing continues upward climb

Occupancy in age-qualified housing continues upward climb

In the fourth quarter of 2014, the occupancy rate in age-qualified housing in the United States was 91.3% for independent living and


Market research

Planning for retirement linked to future happiness-5207

Planning for retirement linked to future happiness

Although the word “retirement” does not mean what it did 20 years ago, it remains the familiar term to indicate cessation of full-time current work before moving to an encore career, part-time work or leisure activities.


Emotional wellness

Computer plus training equals social connections-5205

Computer plus training equals social connections

While web-based visits with friends, family and people with similar interests or jobs is commonplace, older adults may not have the same level of access or knowledge to use the Internet connections enabled by computers and smart phones. The Ages 2.0 project was designed to discover if a simplified PC computer system could help selected groups of older adults avoid social isolation.


Social wellness

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