What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Topic- Health promotion


Office workers advised to get up and stand-5380

Office workers advised to get up and stand

A consensus statement based in a review of research is prefaced with the statement that people working in offices spend 65-75% of their work time sitting, which has been identified as a health risk factor.


Health promotion

What works in evidence-based programs-5372

What works in evidence-based programs

Evidence-based programs are based in research that has tested the effectiveness of an intervention or model (National Council on Aging).


Health promotion

Employment and lifelong learning lead to health at older ages-5370

Employment and lifelong learning lead to health at older ages

Interviews were conducted among older adults for the Nihon University Japanese Longitudinal Study of Aging.


Health promotion

Falls most common injury among older adults-5332

Falls most common injury among older adults

Among US adults 65 years and older, unintentional injuries accounted for 85% of all deaths (2012-2013), and of these, 55% resulted from falls.


Health promotion

Obesity may counteract benefit of not smoking-5313

Obesity may counteract benefit of not smoking

Are boomers more healthy than earlier generations? Perceptions of self-rated health reported by 8,750 Canadians were analyzed for people born between 1935-1944; 1945-1954; 1955-1964; and 1965-1974.


Health promotion

Lots of people with Alzheimer's, but doctors may not tell them-5289

Lots of people with Alzheimer's, but doctors may not tell them

Each year, the Alzheimer’s Association in the United States publishes a collection of statistics. The yearbook for 2015 contains details that not only showcase the prevalence of the disease, but also raise a question of physicians’ responses to a diagnosis.


Health promotion

Total items: 137

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