What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Topic- Physical wellness


Certain chronic illnesses linked to higher crash risk for older drivers-7759

Certain chronic illnesses linked to higher crash risk for older drivers

While some older drivers with chronic health conditions may cut back on driving, they still may be at increased risk of crashes when they do drive. Other drivers with similar medical issues may be at higher risk of crashing, but don't cut back on how often they drive, or how far, according to a recent study. Organizations may want to assess or monitor their constituents' driving abilities. This is especially true for those with depression, anxiety and stress, which were associated with a 23% increased crash risk, even among those who drove less.


Physical wellness

Mediterranean diet boosts gut bacteria linked to healthy aging-7753

Mediterranean diet boosts gut bacteria linked to healthy aging

There's no question that the Mediterranean diet -which emphasizes building meals around plant-based foods including vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, beans and whole grains - has numerous health benefits. Studies have shown it can facilitate weight loss and help prevent heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and other health conditions. If these weren't enough reasons to prompt organizations to incorporate these foods into meal-planning, a new study has found a connection between one version of the diet, consumed over a year, and healthy aging.


Physical wellness

New report: Disaster preparedness, response, recovery for older adults-7744

New report: Disaster preparedness, response, recovery for older adults

The American Red Cross has produced a comprehensive report that includes 25 evidence-informed recommendations, and the rationale behind them, for improving disaster preparedness, response and recovery interventions for older adults across the United States. This is likely to be a valuable resource for active-aging organizations, with implementable "how-tos" to mitigate the impact of a disaster on your constituents and the community-at-large.


Physical wellness

Stats: 45% of workers nearing retirement worry about healthcare coverage-7739

Stats: 45% of workers nearing retirement worry about healthcare coverage

Many people in their 50s and early 60s worry about their health insurance status once they retire, according to a US national survey. Nearly half of respondents (45%) had low confidence in being able to afford health insurance during retirement, and 68% were concerned about potential changes to health insurance associated with changes in federal policies. Worse, Individuals with low confidence in
health insurance affordability were more likely to avoid medical care (13%) and avoid filling a prescription (12%) because of cost.


Physical wellness

Social mobility linked to life expectancy-7715

Social mobility linked to life expectancy

A first-of-its-kind study found that social mobility - the ability of individuals to exceed the socioeconomic status of their parents - may play an important role in explaining why gaps in life expectancy between rich and poor people in the US are larger in some places than in others. The findings have policy and potential programmatic implications for the industry.


Physical wellness

Hand sanitizers often used improperly-7700

Hand sanitizers often used improperly

The coronavirus is on everyone's mind right now, and there are few proven preventive strategies. The first of several recommendations from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is: "Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available."


Physical wellness

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