What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Home care leaps in priority for not-for-profit communities-5193

Home care leaps in priority for not-for-profit communities

As communities designed for older adults continue to reinvent themselves for the next generations, the development and amenities they offer reflect a perspective on what future customers will seek—or need. The annual listing of the largest not-for-profit providers in the United States is one approach to sharing their visions.



Ballroom dancing may ease symptoms of Parkinson's disease-5191

Ballroom dancing may ease symptoms of Parkinson's disease

Muscle rigidity leading to poor movement and loss of balance are features of Parkinson’s disease, a degenerative condition that is more common among people over 50 (Parkinson's Disease Foundation). From a small feasibility study, conducted to determine if the protocols should be used for a larger study, a few unexpected findings emerged.


Parkinson's disease

Exercising outdoors keeps midlife women motivated-5189

Exercising outdoors keeps midlife women motivated

Does exercising indoors or outdoors affect a woman’s motivation to maintain physical activity? To find out, 23 women ages 52-69 years were assigned to exercise for one hour, three times a week, either indoors or outdoors.



Globally, over 1 billion people have a disability-5188

Globally, over 1 billion people have a disability

Chronic health conditions and population aging are among the many reasons why over one billion people, or about 15% of the world’s population, are estimated to be living with a form of disability.



Why do midlife adults travel? It's not all business.-5186

Why do midlife adults travel? It's not all business.

An online survey was conducted among 1,137 women and men who were 45 years and older and had traveled at least 50 miles from home, spending at least two nights away, in the past two years.



Even in

Even in "seniors" housing and retirement communities, trouble with daily living

The National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHAT) was developed to capture information on the daily lives of people 65 years and older in the United States who are beneficiaries of Medicare, the federal health insurance. In a special issue, findings from the 2011 NHAT reveal how older adults are impacted by late-life disability (Journals of Gerontology: Social Science).


Physical wellness

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