What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Difficulty walking or climbing most common forms of disability-5182

Difficulty walking or climbing most common forms of disability

For a new report on the older population in the United States, “disability” was defined as difficulty or serious difficulty with hearing, vision, cognitive skills, ambulation, self-care and independent living.


Health conditions

Control diabetes in middle age to maintain brain health-5180

Control diabetes in middle age to maintain brain health

Physical activity and healthy eating are the first line of defense against the onset of type 2 diabetes, as well as a primary treatment for people who are at risk or have been diagnosed with the disease. New research uncovered another good reason for choosing a lifestyle that may protect against diabetes.


Cognitive health

Winter weather keeps older adults indoors and lonely-5178

Winter weather keeps older adults indoors and lonely

Interviews with 848 people living in communities in Finland who were 75-90 years old gathered information about environmental barriers that prevented them from going outdoors, their ability to walk two kilometers (about 1.2 miles) and feelings of loneliness.


Community design

Some cities better than others for successful aging-5176

Some cities better than others for successful aging

A ranking 352 metropolitan areas in the United States included factors that contribute to an older adult’s well-being as well as measures of cost of living, availability of health care, employment and educational opportunities. In smaller metropolitan areas, Iowa City, Iowa;


Community design

Moderate physical activity may lower risk of Parkinson's disease-5175

Moderate physical activity may lower risk of Parkinson's disease

In Sweden, 27,863 women and 15,505 men answered a questionnaire that included reporting on their physical activity (household and commuting activity, occupational activity, leisure time exercise, and total daily physical activity) for the Swedish National March Cohort.


Parkinson's disease

For people with heart disease, leisure exercise reduces feeling of hopelessness-5173

For people with heart disease, leisure exercise reduces feeling of hopelessness

As defined for a small study presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions, “state” hopelessness is how pessimistic and hopeless a person feels at the moment, while “trait” hopelessness is chronic, occurring over a period of time. According to press information, past studies have linked the feeling of hopelessness to the development and worsening of coronary heart disease and a higher risk of complications and death.


Cardiovascular health

Total items: 2686

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