What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Neighborhood walking may be a step toward improved cognition-5171

Neighborhood walking may be a step toward improved cognition

Walking is the most frequently recommended, and most frequently reported activity among older adults. Does walking for chores or pleasure impact cognition?


Cognitive health

Delaying Alzheimer's disease could save billions-5169

Delaying Alzheimer's disease could save billions

Today there are no accurate answers about the causes, prevention or cure for Alzheimer’s disease, although much research is being directed toward these questions (National Institute on Aging).


Economics of aging

For assisted living, online reviews are important-5167

For assisted living, online reviews are important

An online survey was conducted by a software advisory firm and responses gathered from 2,711 people in the United States who were searching for assisted living options for themselves or another.


Market research

Patients are responsible, too, for health outcomes-5165

Patients are responsible, too, for health outcomes

Physicians and medical providers are evaluated by a number of performance measures, such as amount of time spent with each patient and recommendations that follow evidence-based guidelines.


Health promotion

Virtual education and support helps women control diabetes-5163

Virtual education and support helps women control diabetes

A group of 89 women with type 2 diabetes were randomly assigned to face-to-face counseling or to a web-based virtual community. The women, average age 52 years, were of African-American descent, had low incomes, high school educations and a range of experience with computers.



At midlife, caregivers help parents, children and grandchildren-5162

At midlife, caregivers help parents, children and grandchildren

Given that people are experiencing longer lifespans, it may not be surprising that people in their middle ages find themselves caring for older relatives. A new report from the United Kingdom confirms that these caregivers may also be taking care of their children and grandchildren.



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