What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Being active in a group helps maintain cognitive function-5139

Being active in a group helps maintain cognitive function

The social dimension of wellness encompasses interactions with family, friends, neighbors and groups (International Council on Active Aging). Does it make a difference if those social connections are made with an individual or with a group?


Cognitive health

The right shoe can relieve foot pain-5136

The right shoe can relieve foot pain

Foot pain may be caused by poor fitting or high-heel shoes, poor posture, high-impact activities, health conditions such as arthritis or diabetes, and joint or skin problems (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center).


Foot health

Occupancy in independent and assisted living on a steady climb-5134

Occupancy in independent and assisted living on a steady climb

In the third quarter (July, August, September) of 2014, the average occupancy rate for in independent living properties was 90.9%, 4.2 percentage points above its cyclical low. The average occupancy rate for assisted living properties was 89.4% in the third quarter, which is 2.9 percentage points above its cyclical low. The rates are based in data submitted by subscribers to the NIC MAP® Data Service (13,000 properties within 99 US metropolitan markets).


Market research

Scandinavian countries ranked highest for well-being of older adults-5132

Scandinavian countries ranked highest for well-being of older adults

An index measuring the social and economic well-being of older people in four key domains (income security, health, personal capability and enabling environments) ranked 96 countries based on data provided by government and nongovernmental organizations.



New doctors not sure what nursing homes offer-5130

New doctors not sure what nursing homes offer

A group of 67 residents in internal medicine (have a medical degree and practicing under supervision) took a 10-item multiple choice quiz on the staffing and services available at skilled nursing facilities (SNF).


Attitudes & perceptions

A few home modifications can help prevent falls-5128

A few home modifications can help prevent falls

Environmental factors, such as loose rugs, poor lighting and lack of handrails, can increase the risk of falls (National Council on Aging). Recognizing this, an initiative in New Zealand was developed to discover if home modifications increased safety, which in turn would reduce the number of falls.


Falls management

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