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Topic- Nutrition


Mediterranean diet may slow cognitive decline-2442

Mediterranean diet may slow cognitive decline

The Mediterranean eating pattern emphasizes vegetables, fish, olive oil and legumes, and moderate intakes of red meat.



Eating vegetables saves lives-2425

Eating vegetables saves lives

What might happen if people did start eating more vegetables and fruit, and lowered fat and sodium intake? In the United Kingdom, dietary recommendations include eating five servings of fruits and vegetables, and limiting consumption of fat and salt. According to background in a revealing analysis, in 2007, none of the UK countries met any of these recommendations, with Scotland and Northern Ireland the furthest away from achieving them.



Exercise and vitamin D lower risk of falls-2420

Exercise and vitamin D lower risk of falls



Most Canadians and Americans have adequate calcium and vitamin D-2393

Most Canadians and Americans have adequate calcium and vitamin D

The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are widely used by government agencies and health professionals to set standards for nutrition. Citing the confusion surrounding conflicting recommendations for vitamin D and calcium, an expert committee reviewed the evidence prior to updating the DRIs.



Position paper promotes better food choices-2375

Position paper promotes better food choices



Chefs would lower calorie counts if they know what they were-2364

Chefs would lower calorie counts if they know what they were



Total items: 121

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