What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Topic- Physical wellness


What factors influence life plan resident wellness?-7693

What factors influence life plan resident wellness?

The Mather Institute, Evanston, Illinois, is in the midst of a five-year longitudinal study on aging well. The recently published second-year findings looks specifically at life plan community resident wellness, revealing associations between specific personality traits and healthy behaviors, as well as overall health. The 61-page report is filled with data and insights that can inform programming and motivational strategies to boost physical activity, social activity, healthy eating and spiritual engagement.


Physical wellness

Tech Talk: Digital health tech products unveiled at CES 2020-7678

Tech Talk: Digital health tech products unveiled at CES 2020

MobiHealthNews, one of my favorite sources for tech events and innovations, offered a peek at health tech devices and software featured at CES 2020 (January 7-10 in Las Vegas). A number of the featured products are relevant to active-aging communities and centers, and some may even appear in ICAA's Journal on Active Aging's upcoming technology issue.


Physical wellness

First-time marathoners cut vascular age by four years-7668

First-time marathoners cut vascular age by four years

Even if you support regular physical activities among your constituents, you may hesitate to encourage embarking on a first-time marathon, or to embark on one yourself. But a new study shows that for first-time marathon runners, training and completion of the marathon was associated with reductions in blood pressure and aortic stiffening that were equivalent to a four-year reduction in vascular age, with the greatest benefits seen in older, slower male marathon runners with higher baseline blood pressure.


Physical wellness

Cardiorespiratory fitness linked to brain health-7652

Cardiorespiratory fitness linked to brain health

Evidence is mounting that cardiorespiratory exercise -- walking briskly, running, biking, etc. - may not only boost physical health and wellness, but intellectual wellness, as well, by slowing cognitive changes in the brain. While active-aging professionals are well aware of the benefits of aerobic exercise, they may not be promoting regular engagement. Think about motivating your constituents and staff to incorporate heart-pumping exercise into their daily activities.


Physical wellness

Tripping on a treadmill can help reduce falls-7593

Tripping on a treadmill can help reduce falls

Treadmill-based balance training, which mimics real-life balance challenges (e.g., trips and slips) in a safe setting, yields benefits in only one to four training sessions that may last more than a year, researchers in the UK and the Netherlands have found. Organizations may want to explore this option, particularly with constituents who are unlikely to complete the multiple balance, strength and aerobic training sessions normally required to reduce falls.


Physical wellness

Arts engagement linked to longer life-7585

Arts engagement linked to longer life

Regular visits to museums, art galleries, the theatre, concerts and exhibitions are linked to a longer life, according to an analysis of data from more than 6,000 adults ages 50+ in England. The findings stress the importance of not only offering arts programming, but also of providing opportunities to actually visit cultural institutions and watch live performances (arts activities).


Physical wellness

Total items: 351

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