What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Tech Talk: Internet usage could halve dementia risk-9768

Tech Talk: Internet usage could halve dementia risk

Researchers recently found a link between regular internet use and a lower risk of dementia, though there was a suggestion that excessive internet use could have the opposite effect. "Online engagement may help to develop and maintain cognitive reserve, which can in turn compensate for brain aging and reduce the risk of dementia," said co-author Virginia W. Chang, MD, PhD, of New York University.



Cost of family caregiving skyrockets-9764

Cost of family caregiving skyrockets

The unpaid work provided by family caregivers is valued at an estimated $600 billion, according to the latest report in AARP's "Valuing the Invaluable" series. This is a $130 billion increase in unpaid contributions from family caregivers since the last report was released in 2019. The economic impact of $600 billion is more than all out-of-pocket spending on healthcare in the US in 2021 and highlights the need for organizations to engage with and support family caregivers.



Multigenerational attitudes toward technology for healthy aging-9756

Multigenerational attitudes toward technology for healthy aging

A recent article presents an overview of the GenerationTech survey, and describes attitudes and acceptance related to technology in general and as a means to support active and healthy aging. It's a fascinating read with messages for active-aging organizations, and the full text is available for downloading.



Emotional wellbeing linked to women's gut health-9746

Emotional wellbeing linked to women's gut health

A recent study linked bacteria in our gut to positive emotions like happiness and hopefulness and healthier emotion management skills. "The gut contains trillions of microorganisms collectively known as the gut microbiome. Many studies have shown that disturbance in the gut microbiome can affect the gut-brain axis and lead to various health problems, including anxiety, depression, and even neurological disorders," said coauthor Yang-Yu Liu, PhD, an associate scientist in the Brigham and Women's Hospital's Channing Division of Network Medicine and an associate professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School.


Women's health

Stereotypes about older workers leading to premature retirement-9740

Stereotypes about older workers leading to premature retirement

Unproductive, inflexible, and less motivated... these are some of the most common stereotypes about older employees. Even though the stereotypes are usually unfounded, they nevertheless influence how older employees perceive themselves and their status in the workplace. Thus, these stereotypes have become a key factor in many employees' retirement decisions, according to a recent study by University of Copenhagen researchers. It is one more reason to help your constituents reject stereotypes, particularly if they are still working and would like to continue doing so.


Workplace wellness

Stats: 80% of older Americans can't withstand a financial shock-9736

Stats: 80% of older Americans can't withstand a financial shock

A recent analysis by the National Council on Aging (NCOA) and the LeadingAge LTSS Center @ UMass Boston found that 80% of older Americans (47 million) continue to be unable to sustain a financial shock such as needing to pay for long-term care services and supports (LTSS) or the loss of income due to divorce or widowhood. This has implications for active-aging organizations looking for new customers, as the report suggests that middle-class older adults are at risk.


Economics of aging

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