What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

A culture's attitude influences how older people feel about their health-5085

A culture's attitude influences how older people feel about their health

Does the adage “you are only as old as you feel” reflect the feelings of older persons in different countries, where they may or may not have lower social status because of age? That was a question examined in a new study that looked at subjective health.


Attitudes & perceptions

Eating fruit may lower risk of cardiovascular disease-5083

Eating fruit may lower risk of cardiovascular disease

Most studies on the relationship between cardiovascular disease, diet and physical activity have been conducted with populations in western countries, according to background to a study presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress.


Cardiovascular health

Mindfulness training improves life for people with dementia-5081

Mindfulness training improves life for people with dementia

Eight sessions of mindfulness training, which focused on awareness of the present moment, accepting events in the moment and not worrying about the future, were designed for patients with memory loss due to dementia and for their caregivers.


Cognitive health

When the vet prescribes, dogs and their owners start walking-5079

When the vet prescribes, dogs and their owners start walking

Dog owners and their dogs were randomly assigned to a physical activity group or a usual care group. Veterinarians prescribed physical activity for 30 minutes each day to dog owners and their dogs using a standard script, and provided pedometers for the owners to measure the number of steps they walked. Prior to beginning, the owners reported their height and weight, and the dog’s condition was recorded.


Physical wellness

Recognizing volunteers may increase their well-being-5078

Recognizing volunteers may increase their well-being

Community service from volunteers falls within the vocational/professional dimension of wellness, often influenced by the dimensions of intellectual, social and emotional. In the United States, over 330,000 people 55 years and older participated in the federally funded Senior Corps, adding to the number of older adults in local and organizational volunteer roles.


Vocational wellness

Activity directors and RNs key to quality of life in nursing homes-5076

Activity directors and RNs key to quality of life in nursing homes

People live in long-term care nursing homes because they need assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, moving about and using the toilet. They may also require assistance with other daily tasks.



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